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चंडीगढ़ में कुशल पार्किंग सिस्टम
![Efficient Parking System in Chandigarh Efficient Parking System in Chandigarh](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/styles/group/public/mygov_1440583867190667.jpg)
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Aug 26, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Oct 01, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
हमारी पार्किंग व्यवस्था के साथ क्या गलत है? ...
Dear Sirs/mams,
I am working in central bank of India since 2009. I applied transfer request before 4 years.
Please consider my transfer request.......
In other bank all request consider.......
Please do needful........
Lady Employees working in Central bank of India
Dear Sirs/mams,
I am working in central bank of India since 2009. I applied transfer request before 4 years.
Please consider my transfer request.......
In other bank all request consider.......
Please do needful........
Lady Employees working in Central bank of India
The Cont. system in Sector 43 Bus stand is fleecing the public by recording wrong checking in time we visit bus stand every weekend and it is a continuous practice. Today it was brought to the notice of authorities in Room no. 7 who said that it was not under their control & we shd file a complaint to the higher authorities which we have dn( the scanned cpy attached)Pl do something about this bitter experience the public faces at the hands of these people whom we pay for convenience
The Cont. system in Sector 43 Bus stand is fleecing the public by recording wrong checking in time we visit bus stand every weekend and it is a continuous practice. Today it was brought to the notice of authorities in Room no. 7 who said that it was not under their control & we shd file a complaint to the higher authorities which we have dn( the scanned cpy attached)Pl do something about this bitter experience the public faces at the hands of these people whom we pay for convenience
People who double park their vehicles or obstruct someone else's vehicle should be issued parking fines.
Traffic marshals should be deputed in the parking places since the parking contractors are only concerned with issuing parking slips least bothering as to who is parking where and how. Many parking places are being manned by aged and retired people whose advice goes unheard
There should be single entry point and single exit point in all the parking lots. No one should be allowed to enter from the exit point. Strict action should be taken against those who park their four wheelers in the slots meant for two wheelers and vice versa. Parking should be within the designated / marked parking slots.
At first many Traffic police officers is not charge any amount to the people who park their cars, bikes etc in non parking zone accsept the developed cities. Therefore pepole are parking their cars, bikes etc on the road or in non parking zone. At first we have to do something for it.
modi goverenment is doing a great job
पारकीग बील्डीग बनायी जा सकती जहा गाडीया अासानी से एक साथ् रख्ी जा सकती है अाैर उसके िलए िलफट` िससटम का पयाेग करके चार पांच मंिजल बडी इमारत काम में ली जा सकती है। िजससे कम जगह में जयादा गाडीया एक साथ् एक जगह रख् कर पारकीग समसया से िनजात पाया जा सकता है।