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नॉन-पर्सनल डेटा गवर्नेंस फ्रेमवर्क के ड्राफ्ट पर अपने इनपुट भेजें
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Dec 28, 2020
अंतिम तिथि :
Jan 31, 2021
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
गैर-व्यक्तिगत डेटा गवर्नेंस फ्रेमवर्क पर विचार विमर्श करने के लिए ...
To remove major concerns, let the Framework contain a preamble stating clearly that all clauses thereof will be subservient to Right to Information Act and the principle of protection of investigative journalism and that the internet information portals like Google, Bing etc. will remain totally unaffected.
Peoples non personal data is the important one for all the world. The data will appear all things includes the man's details.
लोकतंत्र की असली शक्ति आपका मत है, इसलिए इसके प्रति जागरूक बनें और अपने मत का उपयोग कर लोकतंत्र को सशक्त बनाने का संकल्प लें।
सभी मतदाताओं को राष्ट्रीय मतदाता दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।
Organizations like Oracle India and Oracle company are major violators of data privacy of both employees and ex-employees. They use ambush marketing and scare tactics to subjugate people to their will. The will go after your family members and sell your data to anyone. I request ministry of labour affairs to strictly regulate and fine Oracle organization and its directors. I will not be surprised if they end up as a national security threat.
jai hind
Make cyber security strong n remove loop holes to avoid data leakages. Multilayer Data Security needed .
one agency to secure personal data on digitally.
I have raised four concerns that i felt needed to be addressed are given below :
1. The definition of non-personal data provided contains significant ambiguities and is based on an unconstitutional approach.
2. The risks surrounding deanonymisation haven’t been adequately addressed.
3. The proposed framework may lead to data maximisation, monopoly formation, and the exploitation of citizens.
4. The consultation process may be becoming superficial and opaque.
Submission of papers of land records to banks in paper mode and its authentication is error prone and delays processing for loan applications. Unless land records with revenue departments are linked with Aadhaar and are made available for authentication by banks, the credit worthiness of farmers is difficult to assess. After linking land records with aadhaar data which is already linked with bank accounts, the authentication will become easier and faster using e-KYC
Some accessibility needs of people with disabilities are best implemented by browsers and user agents. The authors main requirement is to supply the content, not to provide additional accessibility features. If the author codes according to standard, then the content should be accessible. It's the browser's job to insure that “coding to standard” is accessible by default. Inconsistent implementation of standards such as HTML5, ARIA, CSS, etc. also forces author's to code around the deficienci