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नॉन-पर्सनल डेटा गवर्नेंस फ्रेमवर्क के ड्राफ्ट पर अपने इनपुट भेजें
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Dec 28, 2020
अंतिम तिथि :
Jan 31, 2021
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
गैर-व्यक्तिगत डेटा गवर्नेंस फ्रेमवर्क पर विचार विमर्श करने के लिए ...
sir , Any data in which the details does not harm the real identity of the person can be categorised as the non personal data.
eg: through name and gender and date of birth of birth nobody can harm any one
but along with these if they get the PAN details and bank details and address then some threat can be made to the person.
include data of loans taken and names of those who avail government benefits in non personal data as they are people's money and they are liable and responsible .
the data needs to be first categorised.
Hon'ble Prime Minister of India.
My humble thoughts with you.
1. Individual entity model S.I.M Cards with individual Operating Systems could when attached with Aadar, Pan,Smart Card, and when Human NanoBionics, Biogenics access to metadata and prefetch Data repository System, phase to phase encryption,
genetic biometrics access could suffice.
to be Contd...in a larger Scenario to get patented.
'लोकसभा तथा राज्यसभापतीने अधिवेशन सुचारू ढंगसे चलाने हेतू सभी पक्षीय नेतागणकी बैठक बुलायी' प्रत्येक अधिवेशन के पहले यह कार्यक्रम क्यूँ करना पडता हैं? ऐसे कार्यक्रमसे कुछ भी फायदा होता हुवा नजर आता नही. लोकप्रतिनिधी अनुशासन का अनुपालन करते नही. सुचारू रूपसे दोनो सदन न चलना और हर अधिवेशन के पहले उन्हे आवाहन करना यह बात लोकशाहीमें जनता के लिए वेदनादायी प्रतित होती हैं.
Kindly see attached PDF.
Thank you.
Every one have make there cards like addar ,Voter,else many but no one noes how much there data is secure so there is system so that everyone should now a how much data is secure with who he or she is going to share information so that we are beware of fraud and out of danger like bank fraud or our data privacy linkage in public .
Also there is some source of communication to communicate with any query in data like for sharing
Comments from Software Freedom Law Centre, India
Everything is going online today in our country like addar card ,voter card ,pan card, driving licence .This is not bad that it is going online but it's making and getting is too expensive today. A middle class family have to effort Rd more for this things to apply after all now a family card is going to making this is also increases our expenditure. Overall this is a necessary as in India like country for every people so why not it should be make at minmum price.
Making the identity of the person or entity as anonymous is a good practice before taking the data for analysis. Masking of Metadata should be a prerequisite for processes involving personal data and in many cases non-personal data.
data collected by government like this, my mygov data should be stored at a place where hacking is not possible. the sites should be with https and make sure it is in encrypted format, i,e address , number and mail id