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प्रौद्योगिकी के माध्यम से भ्रष्टाचार का हार
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Mar 04, 2018
अंतिम तिथि :
Mar 31, 2018
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
पिछले तीन वर्षों में सरकार ने हर स्तर पर भ्रष्टाचार को दूर करने का ...
Technology can surely root out poverty. Block chain technology should be utilized for more transparency. however technology should be available to most remote areas, and public should be educated for proper utilization of government policies. so digital literacy should be promoted actively (like Digital India initiative) to educate people.Linking of aadhar card with all government policies is also an effective measure.
The main source of corruption is due to Health and Education. In India Quality Higher Education is very costly.By any way peoples working in government sector or private sector are trying to collect money from unauthorized sources. In education if free admissions given on merit basis, then people will not collect extra money which is from corruption.
Second important thing is health related issue . Presently health related policies are malpracticed by many hospitals.
तकनीकी माध्यम से भ्रस्टाचार पर पूर्ण बिराम लगाया जा सकता है । सरकारी योजनाओ को जैसे Mudra, Start Up , Stand Up, PMAY, Sukanya Samridhi , APY इत्यादि अगर देश की हर district के स्तापित Information Centre द्वारा mission mode में गाओं-गरीब लाभार्थी तक पौछाया जाय तो देश की तरक्की सुनिश्चित होने में ज्यादा देर नही लगेंगे। योजना के प्रक्रिया इतने जटिल है जिसमे असली जरूरतमंद समाज या ब्यक्ति इससे बंचित रह जाता है। जिला स्तर में technology के quantam उपयोग करके जनजागरूकता फैलाया जा सकता है।
First fall is becoming a it sell of India strong and get every money collection correct to correct with pie pie
Tu reduce every corruption from India first we should do every payment online.governemt shouk promote ebanking and epayment.we have goted the smart India at all but we shoud make the corrupt free india
Dear Sir,
Instead of sharing our Adhaar number with different agencies and service providers and Banks, I would like to suggest to create a platform where in all our Bank account numbers, Cell Phones numbers are linked without giving Adhaar details to any one and same OTP authentication is done by us. Everyone are confused as still messages are received and we are not sure is the linking done or not. Let all that is to be linked get connected to Adhaar without giving Adhaar details.
Should be acted upon to make it convenient to all citizens of India to avail all type of govt. schemes /work of all government departments through online applications only. Facilities of transparent administration should be effected through online sites of Govt. Make Acts and Rules to easily understandable to public in proper wording / regional languages publication. For example, online Passport application is very user friendly and no other scope of corruption etc.
namaste sir according to my thought all schemes should be dizital.the markseets and admission of all school should be online. the government should be helped the needy people by giving online money .all the officers should be dizital.the price of all objects should be dizital..
From my knowledge , I think the only way to reduce corruption is a strict management. I think the government should make a new department for this purpose
To avoid corruption, first we should start from the government offices.The people who are working there should come in time & do the work in time. The fees to be paid should be displayed in the Govt. offices. Govt should give the bills and receive the money accordingly. they should not receive extra money. For making Aadhar card we do not have to pay money. But they are collecting Rs.30 from each citizen. If all these discrepancies are cleared then some amount of corruption will come down.