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आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Mar 04, 2018
अंतिम तिथि :
Mar 31, 2018
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
पिछले तीन वर्षों में सरकार ने हर स्तर पर भ्रष्टाचार को दूर करने का ...
By making all transactions online .we can eradacate corruption
Put all gov documents registry on blockchain technology & then expericence the revolution, like land records even Aadhar on blockchain,various certificates
I wud urge gov to take into consideration Pune city for 100% digital city on pilot project & expreince the success & benefits and start rolling out slowly to Pan India,as Pune is so called city of students it will be easy to acheive this as i see most students are will willing to transact digitally but lack of mandatoryness on stores or other institutions, they didnt set up digital pay feature and thus we are barred from paying digitally.Try to make changes in shop act directly to roll this.
Corruption starts where system fails...so we need to develop a strong system to tackle this.
1) make tax incentives for honest tax payers ...will increase more people to join the tax network
2) make cashless facility by encouraging people with cashback offers till they get habituated.
3) Remove MDR charges till 10,000 at all possible gateways.
4) Make petrol stations snd hospitals cash free by directing them to accept money only through digital mode.
5) make real estate dealings.. real.
1. How to reduce corruption in health care services?
2. How to reduce corruption in NGOs working with needy people?
People also pay bribe because they need immediate service. so, structuring it, like Tatkal system of Railways, can add revenue in govt Treasure & can also help respected dept & person if a share is given them.
Cash less transactions only control the currption so our government must introduce Any bank acceptable universal card with Aadhaar for every citizen of India. "All in one"
respected sir, please insure the subsidy of lpg gas, because the poor is getting only sevice of government is (ujwala gas) but the survice provider/ lpg owner dont mention over the computer that he (poor) get a lpg cylinder .so he remain subsidy less .please put some strict step towards it. 99% villager is unhappy , because they can't get subsidy so they think rate of lpg is too high. and think congress is better than bjp.
Tax payment challan should have a statement printed on it that this payment would be used in the process of nation building. An auto generated letter or certificate could be sent to all the individual assessees paying taxes say more than 1 Lac. Any person filing Returns regulaly and paying taxes say more than 5Lacs cud be issued an annual card to honor him or her. Such cards could be used for toll exemptions on atleast 1 route. This is like a token of appreciation for such regualer tax payers.
According to my experiences and knowledge, Corruption and Scam is two different.
1) Scam: is a large amount of money transactions through electronic cash, it is bigger and identified.
2) Corruption: is a small amounts like as 100rs to more, depend upon the position of the person. It exchanges by physical cash not in electronic. So, the Corruption may not reduce through technology.
And go and search other ways to reduce it.