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भारतीय दूरसंचार विधेयक, 2022 के मसौदे पर सुझाव/ विचार आमंत्रित

भारतीय दूरसंचार विधेयक, 2022 के मसौदे पर सुझाव/ विचार आमंत्रित
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 23, 2022
अंतिम तिथि :
Oct 20, 2022
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
प्रस्तुतियाँ समाप्त हो चुके

संचार मंत्रालय ने दूरसंचार में एक आधुनिक और भविष्य के लिए तैयार लीगल ...

संचार मंत्रालय ने दूरसंचार में एक आधुनिक और भविष्य के लिए तैयार लीगल फ्रेमवर्क विकसित करने के लिए एक सार्वजनिक परामर्श प्रक्रिया शुरू की है।

117 करोड़ सब्सक्राइबर्स के साथ, भारत दुनिया का दूसरा सबसे बड़ा दूरसंचार इकोसिस्टम है। दूरसंचार क्षेत्र 4 मिलियन से अधिक लोगों को रोजगार देता है और देश के सकल घरेलू उत्पाद में लगभग 8% का योगदान देता है।

दूरसंचार क्षेत्र के लिए मौजूदा फ्रेमवर्क भारतीय टेलीग्राफ अधिनियम, 1885 पर आधारित है। दूरसंचार की प्रकृति, इसके उपयोग और प्रौद्योगिकी में "टेलीग्राफ" के युग के बाद से बड़े पैमाने पर बदलाव आया है। हालांकि, 2013 में दुनिया ने "टेलीग्राफ" का इस्तेमाल बंद कर दिया।

पिछले आठ वर्षों में, सरकार ने दूरसंचार क्षेत्र के विकास के लिए कई पहलों की शुरुआत की हैं। इसी संदर्भ में हमने दूरसंचार क्षेत्र के लिए कानूनी और नियामक फ्रेमवर्क के पुनर्गठन की पहल की है।

यह विधेयक भारत में दूरसंचार को नियंत्रित करने वाले मौजूदा कानूनी फ्रेमवर्क की जगह लेगा, जिसमें भारतीय टेलीग्राफ अधिनियम, 1885, वायरलेस टेलीग्राफी अधिनियम, 1933 और टेलीग्राफ वायर (गैरकानूनी कब्जा) अधिनियम, 1950 शामिल हैं।

जुलाई 2022 में, 'भारत में दूरसंचार को नियंत्रित करने वाले एक नए कानूनी ढांचे की आवश्यकता' पर एक परामर्श पत्र प्रकाशित किया गया था और सुझाव आमंत्रित किए गए थे; जिसमें विभिन्न हितधारकों और उद्योग संघों द्वारा सुझाव प्राप्त हुए हैं।

परामर्श और विचार-विमर्श के आधार पर, मंत्रालय ने अब भारतीय दूरसंचार विधेयक, 2022 का मसौदा तैयार किया है। विधेयक का संक्षिप्त विवरण प्रदान करने के लिए एक व्याख्यात्मक नोट भी तैयार किया गया है।

नागरिकों से माईगव प्लेटफॉर्म पर भारतीय दूरसंचार विधेयक 2022 के मसौदे पर सुझाव/ विचार साझा करने के लिए आमंत्रित किया जा रहा है।

मसौदा विधेयक और व्याख्यात्मक नोट को https://dot.gov.in/relatedlinks/indian-telecommunication-bill-2022 पर देखा जा सकता है।

माईगव प्लेटफॉर्म पर सुझाव भेजने की अंतिम तिथि 20 अक्टूबर 2022 है।

सुझाव ईमेल आईडी पर भी भेजे जा सकते हैं: naveen.kumar71@gov.in

फिर से कायम कर देना
443 सबमिशन दिखा रहा है
Kamal Tripathi
Kamal Tripathi 2 साल 4 महीने पहले

The provisions in this bill are anti-innovation.

Govt should not protect the telecom sector. Telecom sector should be forced to evolve and offer better services. Just because they can not innovate, doesn't mean they be protected. If govt can allow JIO a free hand with its innovation in 4G set up then why are they so anti whatsapp and other products. Till 5-10 yrs back, one had to go to centres to pay bill. Now with paytm etc one can pay the bill online. So telecom companies are okie to accept innovation when it suits them but not when it challenges them. I understand security concerns. The have to be carefully balanced with privacy else we become another china. You can mandate KYC for that. But I am extremely against govt trying to reject innovation and protect the most un-innovative sector of india. It even reeks of crony capitalism. Let telecom sector compete or perish. The calls shouldn't be chargeable. It is a boon for India.

Nasim Kutchi
Nasim Kutchi 2 साल 4 महीने पहले

cont-- training of classes where employees will be trained properly before handling any of the customers live. I repeat employees of telecommunication is one of the most important factor has become who generally becomes angry, lose patience, uses slans, etc to the customer if the customer asked some thing more related with their quiries which leads to a negativity for the governments growth in sense of profit. To increase the INDIAN Telecommunication bill for 2022 each and every thing the government should go through very properly so that the profit don't disturb to be received. Firstly, toggling, refresing of call should be stopped as soon as possible next hold time should be 30 secs not more than that, giving a clear and perfect answer shoulsd be brought up, in one calls only one query should be given, on disconnection of any calls from the employee, should be called up to customer for further information or the employee should be terminated. Total average calls per Day should be 100

Nasim Kutchi
Nasim Kutchi 2 साल 4 महीने पहले

cont-- properly and with all knowledges before taking a live calls, because for every perfect where there is no finanicial impact the Government of telecommunication is receiving the amount which ever is according to the rules and regulations and to thier norms. Profit slab is also given to them. Now if we see in the situation of a bank giving information to the customer for any type of insurances or like for example BAJAJ FINANCE. Now in this situation their are different agents who are working on behalf of Bajaj or other companies giving information to the customers who are account holder to take a insurance or apply for a loan or information on any insurance company where benefits are been told to them. Sometime or maximum time employees don't provide the whole details with the profits and charges to be paid, by which the customer becomes angry and stop the insurance which is going on, which impacts the government policies and governments profits so , my request is to give a full

Nasim Kutchi
Nasim Kutchi 2 साल 4 महीने पहले

cont-- if not said or dforget to say leads the whole call to a fatal means 0, no payment for that call to the Government. A fatal call is a call where customers is gets affected bythe financial impact. For example Ais the employee and Bis the customer called in the customer care asking the facilities of Caller tunes, or song code. Now in this situation A the employee gave the code and the turn around time but forget to say the validity and amount of charges to be paid neither A said nor B asked so in this case Bis the customer who is unknown with every thing so he called up to customer care, but A is fully trained and is taking a live call of the customer, so in this case if the A doesn't give the whole information to B including all the charges and time period, this call stands as a fatal call for which the Government is not paid up because it impacted the customers financial growth in all cost which may hampers there growth. So my first answer is every employee should be trained pro

Nasim Kutchi
Nasim Kutchi 2 साल 4 महीने पहले

It is really not a disturbing co-incidence that stirs my amazement on this topic related with INDIAN TELECOMMUNICATION BILL 2022. I am really happy to give some comments, ideas and suggestion which may work if the Government focus on this with a very clear vision, before speaking something on this topic I will say a word **Bund Bund Sai Sagar Bharta Hai**, the reason behind this to say is I will give a clear description with comments on it. Firstly if we look any of the operator in INDIA we will find that there employees when speaks with the customer care, some time or maximum time they take a fatal call to resolve the problem. Now the question is HOW? So the answer is at the time of taking call the employee wants to maintain the AHT -- Average handling time, and to control on it when the customers ask any quries related question the employee maximum time provides the answer but forget to provide the charges or the Turn around time, in which the most important is the charges to be said

Deepak Kumar 2 साल 4 महीने पहले


🔺 MTNL & BSNL should be re-established.
🔻 Private Operators should be BANNED (AirTel, Vodafone, JIO).
🔺Only GOVERMENT should run Telecom Sector and Private Bodies should be SHIT DOWN.
🔺All Mobile Plans should have 30 DAYS BILLING CYCLE INSTEAD of 28 FAYS (Pre-Post Paid).
🔺Data Limit should be UNLIMITED on DAILY BASIS.
🔺All Mobile Plans should be under ₹200/- per month.
🔺All Mobile Phones should be manufactured WITHOUT GOOGLE.
🔻 iPhone should be BANNED in INDIA.
🔺 Mobile Phones PRICE should NOT EXCEED ₹10,000/-
🔺 ANDROID UPGRADE should be available for whole Life without setting up upgrading limits.


Deepak Kumar 2 साल 4 महीने पहले


🔺 MTNL & BSNL should be re-established.
🔻 Private Operators should be BANNED (AirTel, Vodafone, JIO).
🔺Only GOVERMENT should run Telecom Sector and Private Bodies should be SHIT DOWN.
🔺All Mobile Plans should have 30 DAYS BILLING CYCLE INSTEAD of 28 FAYS (Pre-Post Paid).
🔺Data Limit should be UNLIMITED on DAILY BASIS.
🔺All Mobile Plans should be under ₹200/- per month.
🔺All Mobile Phones should be manufactured WITHOUT GOOGLE.
🔻 iPhone should be BANNED in INDIA.
🔺 Mobile Phones PRICE should NOT EXCEED ₹10,000/-
🔺 ANDROID UPGRADE should be available for whole Life without setting up upgrading limits.


Deepak Kumar 2 साल 4 महीने पहले


🔺 MTNL & BSNL should be re-established.
🔻 Private Operators should be BANNED (AirTel, Vodafone, JIO).
🔺Only GOVERMENT should run Telecom Sector and Private Bodies should be SHIT DOWN.
🔺All Mobile Plans should have 30 DAYS BILLING CYCLE INSTEAD of 28 FAYS (Pre-Post Paid).
🔺Data Limit should be UNLIMITED on DAILY BASIS.
🔺All Mobile Plans should be under ₹200/- per month.
🔺All Mobile Phones should be manufactured WITHOUT GOOGLE.
🔻 iPhone should be BANNED in INDIA.
🔺 Mobile Phones PRICE should NOT EXCEED ₹10,000/-
🔺 ANDROID UPGRADE should be available for whole Life without setting up upgrading limits.


Deepak Kumar 2 साल 4 महीने पहले


🔺 MTNL & BSNL should be re-established.
🔻 Private Operators should be BANNED (AirTel, Vodafone, JIO).
🔺Only GOVERMENT should run Telecom Sector and Private Bodies should be SHIT DOWN.
🔺All Mobile Plans should have 30 DAYS BILLING CYCLE INSTEAD of 28 FAYS (Pre-Post Paid).
🔺Data Limit should be UNLIMITED on DAILY BASIS.
🔺All Mobile Plans should be under ₹200/- per month.
🔺All Mobile Phones should be manufactured WITHOUT GOOGLE.
🔻 iPhone should be BANNED in INDIA.
🔺 Mobile Phones PRICE should NOT EXCEED ₹10,000/-
🔺 ANDROID UPGRADE should be available for whole Life without setting up upgrading limits.


Deepak Kumar 2 साल 4 महीने पहले


🔺 MTNL & BSNL should be re-established.
🔻 Private Operators should be BANNED (AirTel, Vodafone, JIO).
🔺Only GOVERMENT should run Telecom Sector and Private Bodies should be SHIT DOWN.
🔺All Mobile Plans should have 30 DAYS BILLING CYCLE INSTEAD of 28 FAYS (Pre-Post Paid).
🔺Data Limit should be UNLIMITED on DAILY BASIS.
🔺All Mobile Plans should be under ₹200/- per month.
🔺All Mobile Phones should be manufactured WITHOUT GOOGLE.
🔻 iPhone should be BANNED in INDIA.
🔺 Mobile Phones PRICE should NOT EXCEED ₹10,000/-
🔺 ANDROID UPGRADE should be available for whole Life without setting up upgrading limits.