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महात्मा गांधी की 150वीं जयंती के उपलक्ष्य पर स्वच्छता संबंधी पहल के सुझाव

आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jan 01, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Jul 17, 2015
04:15 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
महात्मा गांधी की 150वीं जयंती को स्वच्छता को ध्यान में रखते हुए मनाने ...
Strict rules should be made about cleanness.
Public can contribute in this by making videos of those who don't throw the waste in the dust bin 🚮 rather throw it on road.
And upload those videos on social media so that he/she should feel ashamed Of doing this .
Dear Sir,
By asking All daily needs advertisements (TV,Paper, Radio) to carry theme of Swachha Bharat & Clean Society will have great impact on Indian society towards daily cleanliness in around society...
Pls look into it...
Thanks & Regards,
We can have a collection tank at end of compartments in trains which can store waste for half day . These will stop stations getting dirty and stinky . These idea is used in plans. For rails even detachable tanks can be used. The waste collected can be dumped in bio gas plant and profit from bio gas and manure can be made. On stations a special crew can be made , jobs to jobless even in remote......
Place dustbins at the end of streets so that people can use them ...
All citys and rural aria in aria Street wise dustbin facilities
Government improve more and more in cleaning policy because they announce only but not take any follow up it.
Gandhiji believed in being the change rather than wait for it. I congratulate you for at least taking the first step. So I would like to suggest this... why only ban alcohol on Gandhi jayanthi day alone??? Why not ban it completely...???
we (gov.) all r searching job creator, but this is the best way or area to generate jobs. you can hire a people to catch person who throw waste or other things, like PPP Model 50% give it to that hired person and 50% govt. can keep so without any salary burden u can slowly solve this problem
Respected PM Sir,
I m proud to be an INDIAN, before launching clean india I was in the habit of throw wastage anywhere but now I am following strickly following clean india and encouraging other people and building awareness about cleanness, is dunia m hm log hi rhte h... agr hmne hi safai krne ki thaan li h to hmari country bhi saaf ho jayegi...
sab kahte h ki desh n hmare liye kya kiya lkn hm kahte h ki hmne desh k liye kya kiya.....now our turn to do for our country and we will definately..
The roads should be cleaned by machines so there wont be dust on roads and public dustbins should be changed every 6 months