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महात्मा गांधी की 150वीं जयंती के उपलक्ष्य पर स्वच्छता संबंधी पहल के सुझाव

Cleanliness initiatives to mark Gandhi ji’s 150th Birth Anniversary
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jan 01, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Jul 17, 2015
04:15 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
प्रस्तुतियाँ समाप्त हो चुके

महात्मा गांधी की 150वीं जयंती को स्वच्छता को ध्यान में रखते हुए मनाने ...

महात्मा गांधी की 150वीं जयंती को स्वच्छता को ध्यान में रखते हुए मनाने के लिए अपने विचार दें इस दिन को मनाने के लिए और किस तरह की नवीन पहल की जा सकती है?

फिर से कायम कर देना
15396 सबमिशन दिखा रहा है
BAPI MONDAL 9 साल 9 महीने पहले

Swachh Bharat Mission (G) helps to make clean & healthy Bharat. IHHL gives the opportunity for making Environment Clean & healty. Govt. Survey in 2012 named Base Line Survey, 2012 it contains the database of Household but unfortunately it is not covered all HH. in place of BLS 2012, the Database of NPR is more helpfull to cover all HH have IHHL to make Swachh Bharat Mission.

Priyavarshini raman
Priyavarshini raman 9 साल 9 महीने पहले

Education swacha barat - A small percentage of marks for students in college and school after 7th std for cleaning work. State party cannot interfere in this cleaning work. One of the parents should join the scheme. Corporation should allot place to burn the garbage. Those writing exams or having ill health should not participate but marks will be given. A full one month work. Creates good health, awareness, responsibility. Snacks, water, juice, medical aid to be given.

Priyavarshini raman
Priyavarshini raman 9 साल 9 महीने पहले

Big companies should produce comfortable and more buses then cars reaching nook and corner of India. Let it be air conditioned during summer and normal during winter and rainy. It will remove congestion,reduce consumption of petrol or diesel and all types of pollution and bring income to both the company and govt.

Priyavarshini raman
Priyavarshini raman 9 साल 9 महीने पहले

'Roti, Khapada aur Makkan' is the basic for poor Indians and it can be achieved only by giving extra and excess any things, planting trees and plants and contributing dust bins with animals or plant names on it to keep a healthy and hygienic atmosphere. The govt will save crores of rupees in this scheme.

Priyavarshini raman
Priyavarshini raman 9 साल 9 महीने पहले

Modi in Man Ki Baath should criticize the people and ask what they have done to the country. At the same time ask each individual to help the poor and not just criticize the govt always. It is not only the duty of rich or politician to contribute. If things are in excess let us give it to the poor in the neighboring country during drought and flood.

Priyavarshini raman
Priyavarshini raman 9 साल 9 महीने पहले

Modi govt should start min of 5 factories in each state, a public sector one and keep it ready, which will produce all type of useful things for health, beauty and sanitation got from cows/animals, vegetable, flowers etc. Then bring the ban on cow slaughter. This will help those who have lost job from cow slaughter and related business.

Priyavarshini raman
Priyavarshini raman 9 साल 9 महीने पहले

Education- Modi govt should teach yoga exercise every day by just cutting 5 minutes from each period. Total half or 40 min should be dedicated for this. It can be physical one during alternate days. Other is to keep silent in the prayer, then the period before lunch, beginning class after lunch, last period and definitely before sports class. This will give calmness and mental control in modern drug age.

Priyavarshini raman
Priyavarshini raman 9 साल 9 महीने पहले

The Modi Govt should make it compulsory for each family to provide a dustbin, giving old or unused dresses for poor and the latest all should give any plant per head. At least edible and herbal Useful plants or flowering plants and by 2018 at least 3 to 4 feet high the plants are to be planted. This will solve food problem and export and import will increase.