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शून्य अभियान टाउनहॉल - इलेक्ट्रिक वाहन अपनाने को बढ़ावा देने के लिए अभिनव रणनीतियाँ
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Feb 13, 2024
अंतिम तिथि :
Mar 13, 2024
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
MyGov India के साथ साझेदारी में NITI आयोग के नेतृत्व वाला शून्य अभियान, ...
Electric to Solar
Coulomb rule strategy for production and circulation of vehicles
Capacity building of a electric vehicle on a highway road to be accident free from 2024
Maximum highways single lane road capacity 8 tonnes means 8000kg
50kgs of load is taken in 20 bags
100kgs of loads carried in 40 bags
36 hp powered electric vehicle occupies 600 kg loads too heavy and fire accident may occur for caution, 2 vehicle with 200metre distance.
200kgs maximum load with 3 electric vans reachability for every 100 kms covering 3 township within a district to and from for convenient delivery of goods
Planned vehicle for push and pull strategy of material distribution through electric vehicle around 100km radius 3 to 5 cumulatively .For 38 districts require 200 EV vans minimum for travel for production
EV ecosystem can be further extended with production of 40 vehicles shipment in a tamil nadu National highways.Inhouse production within state for textile,fruits,farming cereals,tablets,water should be saved
भारत देश के हिसाब से इलेक्ट्रिक गाड़ी मजबूती के साथ कुछ खास बातें जो हो तो और भी अच्छा है। मेरा सुझाव निम्न है:-
1) इलेक्ट्रिक गाड़ी की कीमत निम्न और मध्यम वर्ग के लोगों के खरीदने योग्य होना चाहिए।
2) बैटरी जल्दी गर्म नहीं होना चाहिए। साथ ही फटे न इसका ध्यान रखते हुए बैटरी बनाई जाना चाहिए।
3) बहुत तीव्र गति से चार्जिंग योग्य बैटरी बनाई होना चाहिए। जिससे लम्बी दूरी तय की जा सके।
4) अगर दो बैटरी की सुविधा हो तो यह और भी अच्छा होगा जिससे आसानी से बैटरी बदलकर अपने स्थान पर पहुंच सकें।
5) इस तरह बैटरी को बनाया जाय जिससे घर के अन्दर भी चार्ज हो सके।
6) 01 से 02 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर चार्जिंग स्टेशन की सुविधा होनी चाहिए।
Electric vehicle ka tabhi fayda Hai Jab electric vehicle ko renewable energy se charge Karke chalaya Jaaye abhi to 60% se upar Jo electricity hai vah coalse banti hai to indirectly to pollution Kar Hi rahe hain isliye Bharat mein jitni bhi family Hai Sab ke ghar mein kam se kam 1 kilowatt ka solar panel To Hona Hi chahie FIR fayda hai iska aur yah electric vehicle ko boost Karega aur environment ke liye bhi achcha rahega🙏🙏
ईवीएस का हम उपयोग दिन प्रतिदिन बढ़ा रहे हैं, सोलर सिस्टम को भी हम शामिल कर रहे हैं जो अच्छा साबित हो रहा है
Honourable Prime Minister,
I am to inform you that my Points in MyGov portal today displaying around 2 lakhs 80 thousands. However, my previous points was around 66 lakhs. I was regularly participating in all the discussions in the MyGov portal and I was shocked today to see the points around 2 lakhs. I am enclosing all the screenshots of different dates of points since last year. Please go through and do the needful as I am very much upset with the present scenario. My target is to cross the 1 crores points landmark but everything is vanished now.
I have enclosed my different dates MyGov points. I have already sent mail to MyGov grievance but no response till now.
Please look into this Sir
With great regards
M. S. Kumar Swamy, TGT(Maths)
National ICT Awardee 2019 for the School teachers
Kendriya Vidyalaya Gachibowli
Honourable Prime Minister,
I am to inform you that my Points in MyGov portal today displaying around 2 lakhs 80 thousands. However, my previous points was around 66 lakhs. I was regularly participating in all the discussions in the MyGov portal and I was shocked today to see the points around 2 lakhs. I am enclosing all the screenshots of different dates of points since last year. Please go through and do the needful as I am very much upset with the present scenario. My target is to cross the 1 crores points landmark but everything is vanished now.
I have enclosed my different dates MyGov points. I have already sent mail to MyGov grievance but no response till now.
Please look into this Sir
With great regards
M. S. Kumar Swamy, TGT(Maths)
National ICT Awardee 2019 for the School teachers
Kendriya Vidyalaya Gachibowli
Honourable Prime Minister,
I am to inform you that my Points in MyGov portal today displaying around 2 lakhs 80 thousands. However, my previous points was around 66 lakhs. I was regularly participating in all the discussions in the MyGov portal and I was shocked today to see the points around 2 lakhs. I am enclosing all the screenshots of different dates of points since last year. Please go through and do the needful as I am very much upset with the present scenario. My target is to cross the 1 crores points landmark but everything is vanished now.
I have enclosed my different dates MyGov points. I have already sent mail to MyGov grievance but no response till now.
Please look into this Sir
With great regards
M. S. Kumar Swamy, TGT(Maths)
National ICT Awardee 2019 for the School teachers
Kendriya Vidyalaya Gachibowli
Honourable Prime Minister,
I am to inform you that my Points in MyGov portal today displaying around 2 lakhs 80 thousands. However, my previous points was around 66 lakhs. I was regularly participating in all the discussions in the MyGov portal and I was shocked today to see the points around 2 lakhs. I am enclosing all the screenshots of different dates of points since last year. Please go through and do the needful as I am very much upset with the present scenario. My target is to cross the 1 crores points landmark but everything is vanished now.
I have enclosed my different dates MyGov points. I have already sent mail to MyGov grievance but no response till now.
Please look into this Sir
With great regards
M. S. Kumar Swamy, TGT(Maths)
National ICT Awardee 2019 for the School teachers
Kendriya Vidyalaya Gachibowli
Honourable Prime Minister,
I am to inform you that my Points in MyGov portal today displaying around 2 lakhs 80 thousands. However, my previous points was around 66 lakhs. I was regularly participating in all the discussions in the MyGov portal and I was shocked today to see the points around 2 lakhs. I am enclosing all the screenshots of different dates of points since last year. Please go through and do the needful as I am very much upset with the present scenario. My target is to cross the 1 crores points landmark but everything is vanished now.
I have enclosed my different dates MyGov points. I have already sent mail to MyGov grievance but no response till now.
Please look into this Sir
With great regards
M. S. Kumar Swamy, TGT(Maths)
National ICT Awardee 2019 for the School teachers
Kendriya Vidyalaya Gachibowli