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शून्य अभियान टाउनहॉल - इलेक्ट्रिक वाहन अपनाने को बढ़ावा देने के लिए अभिनव रणनीतियाँ

शून्य अभियान टाउनहॉल - इलेक्ट्रिक वाहन अपनाने को बढ़ावा देने के लिए अभिनव रणनीतियाँ
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Feb 13, 2024
अंतिम तिथि :
Mar 13, 2024
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
प्रस्तुतियाँ समाप्त हो चुके

MyGov India के साथ साझेदारी में NITI आयोग के नेतृत्व वाला शून्य अभियान, ...

MyGov India के साथ साझेदारी में NITI आयोग के नेतृत्व वाला शून्य अभियान, इलेक्ट्रिक वाहन टाउनहॉल की घोषणा करते हुए रोमांचित है, जो नागरिकों के लिए भारत में स्वच्छ इलेक्ट्रिक मोबिलिटी इकोसिस्टम को बढ़ावा देने और बढ़ाने के लिए मूल्यवान विचारों और सुझावों को साझा करने के लिए एक खुला चर्चा मंच है। टाउनहॉल इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों (ईवी) और उनके संबंधित लाभों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करता है, जिसमें लागत बचत, स्वच्छ हवा, स्वास्थ्य लाभ और उत्सर्जन में कमी शामिल है।

इस पहल के अनुरूप, MyGov के सहयोग से NITI आयोग, नागरिकों से इनपुट आमंत्रित करता है।

शून्य अभियान के बारे में अधिक जानने और ईवीएस के लाभों की खोज करने के लिए, कृपया शून्य अभियान वेबसाइट पर जाएं www.shoonya.info

फिर से कायम कर देना
323 सबमिशन दिखा रहा है
Manan Acharya 6 महीने 2 सप्ताह पहले

आदरणीय मोदी जी
जैसा कि ये एक विषय है की देश में कैसे इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों की खरीद और प्रयोग को कैसे बढ़ाया जाए? तो मेरा सुझाव है की देश के अंदर हफ्ते के २ दिनों को "NO VEHICLE DAY" के तौर पर मनाया जाए। उन 2 दिनों के अंदर केवल साइकिल और इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों के प्रयोग ही किया जाए। केवल सरकारी वाहन ही उस दिन चलाए जाए। इससे लोगों में साइकिल और इलेक्ट्रिक वाहन चलाने की आदत बनेगी। कुछ समय तक तो लोग इस आदत मे नही ढल पाएंगे, लेकिन जैसे जैसे उन्हें आदत बनेगी वैसे वैसे आपका उद्देश्य पूरा होगा और पर्यावरण शुद्ध होगा.

Wisdom Talks 6 महीने 2 सप्ताह पहले

Dear sir,

The State must ANTICIPATE upcoming challenges (all possible ways including astrology must be considered) in foreseeable future and must proactively initiate mitigative measures to prevent implications to the state/law & order/economy, price rises, loss to market, etc.

Also, consider creating a team to follow social media portals for all possible astrological predictions short & long term, Global media, etc.

Kindly consider the policy of Anticipate - Mitigate well ahead of time, sir.

Also, Govt must ruthlessly educate citizens of Anti - State/ Pro Crime/Criminal policies put into practise (since independence) to harm Nation/Nationalist institutions/Forces/Police services/Economy, et all, in every which way.

We cannot allow hooliganism to undermine the State Administration, sir.

Kindly consider sir.
Regards sir.

Baby Das 6 महीने 2 सप्ताह पहले

1. Incentive Programs: Introduce innovative financial incentives such as tax rebates, subsidies, and discounts on EV purchases to make them more affordable for consumers.

2. Infrastructure Development: Invest in building a comprehensive charging infrastructure network across urban and rural areas to address range anxiety and increase convenience for EV owners.

3. Public Awareness Campaigns: Launch targeted campaigns to educate the public about the benefits of EVs, including environmental impact, cost savings, and technological advancements.

4. Fleet Electrification: Encourage the adoption of electric vehicles in commercial fleets through incentives and partnerships with fleet operators to accelerate the transition to electric mobility.

5. Collaboration with Industry: Foster partnerships with automotive manufacturers and technology companies to develop and promote innovative EV models and technologies that cater to diverse consumer needs.

Arijit Mondal_3
Arijit Mondal 6 महीने 2 सप्ताह पहले

India can promote clean electric mobility by incentivizing domestic production of EVs and components, reducing import dependency and boosting the local economy. Tax benefits and subsidies can make EVs more affordable, stimulating demand. Developing a robust charging infrastructure addresses range anxiety and promotes widespread adoption. Investing in R&D enhances EV technology, fostering innovation. Awareness campaigns highlighting EV benefits can change perceptions and encourage adoption. Collaborating with industry stakeholders drives innovation tailored to Indian conditions. Transitioning government fleets to EVs reduces emissions and demonstrates viability. Implementing regulations and incentives for eco-friendly vehicles creates a favorable environment for growth. Skill development programs ensure a skilled workforce to support the sector. Public-private partnerships drive investment and innovation, accelerating ecosystem growth, aligning with the concept of Atmanirbhar Bharat.

Wisdom Talks 6 महीने 2 सप्ताह पहले

Dear sir,

Govt must consider making all major districts/zones of financial/cultural/religious importance into Union Territories, for additional security safeguards, streamlining/fast tracking development and for financial/cultural/religious securities reasons.

Kindly consider making at least 20 additional UTs, sir, developing them on fast track basis.

We must draw inspiration from Global models and undertake development in a fully planned manner : under Central Administration control. Plus, 5 kms, around every Govt office, railway stations, bus, stations, etc. must be converted to Restricted zone, under full Central control for streamlining Govt/State services.

Additionally, Govt must consider teaching the financial impact of internal security disturbances, through news/media to discourage felonious elements utilising protest as a measure to cause harm to the state, sir and also to make crime unfashionable/unacceptable, pls.

Kindly consider sir.
Regards sir.

Sahil Yousuf 6 महीने 2 सप्ताह पहले

Some innovative strategies to boost electric vehicle adoption:

1. Community-based ride-sharing programs exclusively for electric vehicles.
2. Incentivizing EV purchases through tax rebates or subsidies.
3. Implementing dynamic pricing for EV charging stations to encourage off-peak usage.
4. Collaborating with ride-hailing companies to transition their fleets to electric vehicles.
5. Introducing EV subscription services with flexible pricing and charging options.
6. Partnering with local businesses to offer discounts or perks for EV owners.
7. Hosting EV test-drive events in communities to allow people to experience the benefits firsthand.
8. Creating pop-up charging stations at popular community events and locations.
9. Developing smartphone apps to provide real-time information on EV charging station availability and incentives.
10. Offering educational programs in schools and universities to raise awareness about the benefits of electric vehicles.

Vishal Tiwari_26
Vishal Tiwari 6 महीने 2 सप्ताह पहले

first of all before having electric vehicles we have to see EV capabilities it's a charging station which is very important so all petrol pumps should be given the task of having a charging point, along we should proceed for hydrogen fuel also because for the long run & for heavy haulers hydrogen fuel is the most reliable source of energy, so every city of India should have green hydrogen station as well.

Devang 6 महीने 2 सप्ताह पहले

1. make sure the safety of electric vehicles and quality of that vhecals
2. start advertisement like other vehicle with their facility and show in and how that vehicle is made ( this stargey work for promoting brands)
3. government minister and prime ministerr visit show rooms of e. vehicles
4. make a awareness.