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आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Feb 13, 2024
अंतिम तिथि :
Mar 13, 2024
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
MyGov India के साथ साझेदारी में NITI आयोग के नेतृत्व वाला शून्य अभियान, ...
Battery life had to increased from 4 years to minimum 10 to 15 years or life long
New ways had to developed to increase the life of battery in E cars / E bikes rather than on mileage showing in E bike against diesel & petrol.. In CNG cars & bikes the hydrogen & oxygen gas fuel passing by a electrolyte result in emission of electron . So this CNG cars battery life had to increased if non corrosive electrolyte is used that increase the life if battery rather than ordinary cell that corrode in 4 years
2) Diploma / degree driving license course
the degree / diploma in driving license course should begin schools & colleges rather than driving school course. A diploma course driving license is valid for 5 years and degree certificate driving course is valid for 12 years . Based on course , road & written text RTO can issue license in heavy to motor cycle
3 ) Charge storage capacity increased
once in a week charging battery & easily replaceable battery reduce time for charging
As we convene for the Shoonya Campaign Townhall, I'd like to highlight the importance of integrating green infrastructure with the latest breakthroughs in quantum materials for energy storage. This integration is key to advancing the sustainability of electric vehicles in India. By developing batteries with quantum materials, we can achieve faster charging, longer lifespan, and higher efficiency. Coupled with a renewable energy-driven charging network, we're not just adopting electric vehicles but also ensuring that they are powered in the most environmentally friendly way. This innovative approach will position India as a leader in sustainable electric mobility.
stop use of plastic polythene.save earth save life
solar panel increase governments
solar energy produce
9. **Research and Development (R&D)**: Allocate funding for R&D initiatives focused on advancing green infrastructure technologies for EVs, including energy storage systems, wireless charging technologies, and grid management solutions that integrate renewable energy sources.
10. **Education and Awareness Programs**: Raise awareness among consumers, businesses, and policymakers about the environmental benefits of green infrastructure for EVs. Education campaigns can promote the adoption of sustainable transportation solutions and drive demand for green charging infrastructure.
6. **Incentives for Green Charging Infrastructure**: Provide financial incentives, tax breaks, and subsidies for the installation of green charging infrastructure, including solar-powered charging stations and energy-efficient charging equipment.
7. **Smart Grid Technology**: Invest in smart grid technology to optimize energy use, manage peak demand, and facilitate grid integration with renewable energy sources and EV charging infrastructure. Smart grids can also enable dynamic pricing schemes to incentivize EV owners to charge during off-peak hours when renewable energy generation is high.
8. **Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)**: Foster partnerships between government agencies, private companies, and research institutions to develop and deploy innovative green infrastructure solutions for EVs. PPPs can leverage expertise, resources, and funding from multiple stakeholders to accelerate the transition to sustainable transportation.
3. **Battery Recycling Facilities**: Establish facilities for the recycling and repurposing of EV batteries. By recycling lithium-ion batteries, India can minimize the environmental impact of battery disposal and extract valuable materials for reuse in new battery production, reducing the need for raw materials extraction.
4. **Green Building Standards for Charging Infrastructure**: Implement green building standards and certifications for EV charging stations to ensure energy efficiency, use of sustainable materials, and minimal environmental impact during construction and operation.
5. **Green Transport Corridors**: Develop green transport corridors equipped with renewable energy-powered charging stations along major highways and transportation routes. These corridors facilitate long-distance travel for EVs while promoting renewable energy use and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
India can make electric vehicles (EVs) more sustainable through the development of green infrastructure that supports the entire EV ecosystem. Here's how:
1. **Renewable Energy Integration**: India can promote the integration of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power into the electricity grid to power EV charging stations. By utilizing clean energy sources, EVs can truly become emissions-free transportation options, reducing the carbon footprint associated with charging EVs.
2. **Solar-Powered Charging Stations**: Install solar panels at charging stations to generate clean energy for EVs. This not only reduces the reliance on the grid but also ensures that EV charging infrastructure is sustainable and environmentally friendly.
Electric vehicle is a massanger of green infrastructure.there are some point related to it.
1 Electric vehicle help us to control over pollution level.
2 Green infrastructure fund has been created to promote electric vehicle.
3 New research and innovation has been promoted for upgrade technology.
4 Electric vehicle attract more investment in field of green infrastructure.
5 people will be aware about strong green infrastructure.