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आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Feb 13, 2024
अंतिम तिथि :
Mar 13, 2024
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
MyGov India के साथ साझेदारी में NITI आयोग के नेतृत्व वाला शून्य अभियान, ...
cont'd------ It will be a type of hybrid but calorific value of hydrogen is high compared to fuel. And additional oxygen is available to enrich the combustion. As I know electrolysis takes high energy in general. The point is in normal vehicles energy is wasted as heat & braking. At a glance to the best of my knowledge it looks
Interesting some one has to do the math of energy balance. Developed nations have done deep studies on several aspects of IC engines
to extreme conditions for efficiency. It's a view worthy or not best to be judged by knowledgeable person.
इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों से उर्जा की अधिक खपत होगी। सोलार ऊर्जा को अधिक बढावा देना चाहिए।
cont'd-----The present electric trains have been utilizing the energy by generation mode. What could be done for heavy vehicles if possible utilizing the exhaust heat, creating vaccum by pump to generate steam to reduce boiling point to as low as 45 deg C for electrolysis of steam for efficient creation of hydrogen and oxygen. This can be additional fuel for the engine also emmisons can be reduced. Additional generator to be coupled as I said earlier in utilizing the energy wasted.
The HTE for high temperature efficient electrolysis could be utilized as a well designed compact unit with minimum storage of hydrogen with high utilization to offset petroleum fuel. It will be a type of hybrid but calorific value of hydrogen is high compared to fuel. And additional oxygen is available to enrich the combustion. As I know electrolysis takes high energy in general. The point is in normal vehicles energy is wasted as heat & braking. At a glance to the best of my knowledge it looks
Electrical Vehicle for cars, 3 wheelers, 2 wheelers will be good. As batteries will be relatively small for city commuting within a radius of 50 kms. What can take us to a higher level is buses, goods transport,boats,
trains,ships, big generators, earth moving, mining equipments etc. Petroleum has been the the major source of energy.
With my limited knowledge & experience would like to express my wild imagination.
It could be right or wrong. The thinking process should be on for other thinkers to be useful for saving fuel & environment.
According to me hydrogen will be the best solution as it can deliver with limited resources. I have limited knowledge on hydrogen vehicles already running or in the process of manufacturing. What I have said before. Except high breed vehicles the deceleration, braking,downhill energy is being wasted by way of heat & engine working as an compressor. The present electric trains have been utilizing the energy by generation mode. cont'd-----
We are promoting EVs.
It will help us to reduce carbon footprints.
But what happens in the night when street lights are switched "On' ?
E-Rickshaws are charged illegally from street light poles. This not only amounts to power theft but also makes the poles dangerous for every one.
Any animal or human can come in contact with live wires in night accidentaly while moving on foot path.
Promote EV and innovate new Lighting Poles to avoid theft of electricity and accident proof.
We move one step forward and two steps backward.
hi.i would suggest to have more solar panels in India
thank you
Sir, When I was working in previous company, I have visited the one of the industry 4.0 company and my work is to book revenue and expenses and make a record of reports. I have earned that like industry 4.0 there is maintenance for the sites held once in a year similarly we need to do the maintenance of the eclectic vehicles once in a year like bus and cars so that unforeseen contingency can be avoided. I am guessing that this tactic is applicable to heavy industry and defense industry too where mass scale production is happening. That is how we can Make India Electric Vehicle more sustainable. Today we are witnessing fire Incidents in India frequently like in MIDC and Buildings why not we make fire audit compulsory to heavy and mass scale production industry. In buildings we are witnessing fire news there are fire safety equipment's but due to nonuse it is scraped and not working. we need to have once in a year fire audit so that fire incident can be stopped.
biggest problem in this areas, the replacement of batteries. since the life time if the batteries are for the limited period. Govt can give solution in this regard.
प्रत्येक विद्युत कार धारक को , चार्जिंग के लिए सोलर चार्जिंग सिस्टम सब्सिडाइज्ड दर पर उपलब्ध कराना चाहिए