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शून्य अभियान टाउनहॉल - स्थानीय समुदाय भारत की इलेक्ट्रिक मोबिलिटी स्विफ्ट को कैसे शक्ति दे सकते हैं, इस पर सुझाव आमंत्रित करना
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Feb 13, 2024
अंतिम तिथि :
Mar 13, 2024
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
MyGov India के साथ साझेदारी में NITI आयोग के नेतृत्व वाला शून्य अभियान, ...
आदरणीय श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी जी आपको मेरा प्रणाम 🙏
आपसे एक उम्मीद करता हूं आप मुझे निराश नहीं करेंगे जिवन मे पहला घर ओर गाड़ी खरीदते वक्त कुछ विशेष सुविधा मिलती रहे जेसे कि पहला घर एवं गाड़ी खरीदने पर 0 डाउन पेमेंट कि सुविधा मिले आज के दोर में खर्च बड़ता हि जा रहा है सेविंग कम होती जा रही है EMI तो किराए में चली जाती है एसे लाखों लोगों को मदद मिलेगी उनके घर का सपना साकार होगा सरकार पर भी घर बनाकर देने का बोझ कम होगा!
जय हिन्द वन्दे मातरम्
The future needs electric Swift vehicles over petrol-fueled transport:
1. Environmental sustainability
2. Energy efficiency
3. Cost savings
4. Noise reduction
5. Technological innovation
6. Energy independence
7. Health benefits
8. Job creation
9. Government support
10. Long-term sustainability
To encourage citizens to imbibe any positive initiative, it's important to answer the key question of what's in it for me. Unless and until citizens see value add, they will refrain from adopting any new initiative. It's extremely important that BOTH the initial purchase cost and operational usage and maintenance of ow ing an EV is less than the traditional fossil fuel vehicles will lead to automatic adoption of EV. Another key factor is availability of network of service centers and charging stations in every nook and corner of the country. The government must work seriously in partnership with corporates to bring down the cost significantly and build required infrastructure for EVs.
Solar based power charging points need to be installed at minimum 20-30 locations in a city. Government sponsored renewable power charging stations will bring revolution and will encourage citizens to be attracted towards adopting e-based vehicles. It will not cost as much as its benefit to the environment and nation.
Electric is the future & Sun is the ultimate source of energy, we have to approach taking energy from Sun or electric, government is going into right direction, in this context govt has to make charging station in 10 of thousands in number, there should be rule of electric commercial vehicle within the city e. g. school bus medical ambulance with in city etc.. should be in first list of changes,.
Electric vehicle is a future of our country.there are some point related to it.
1 Environmental awareness campaign has been started for promote electric vehicle.
2 social organisation has a important role to increase awareness about electric vehicle.
3 NGO has play an important role for promote electric vehicle.
4 social activists has play an important role for increase awareness about it.
5 Celebrity has play an important role to promote their follower for electric vehicle.
local community easily come into users of electric vehicle by following points:-
1) providing electric vehicle on affordable price.
2) By Installing sufficient service station.
3) By spreading knowledge of sustainable development and other important information such as air pollution, noise pollution(silent vehicle).
4) People have trust on their political leaders and If our leaders support this then surely adopt by society.
5) It is clearly visible electric vehicle is most suitable for present as well as for future environment.
to make India's witch to electric cars work better ,local communities can play a big role. We can help by setting places where people can charge there vehicles, we can teach the people how to mange and etc. By working together in the community we make the fuel less transport.
Electric vehicle is a future needs of our country.there are some point related to it.
1 Green travelling concept has been develop to promote electric vehicle.
2 A sankalp has been taken for use electric vehicle at mass scale.
3 All transport service company has promote to use electric vehicle.
4 All public sector employer travelling activity has compulsory to use electric vehicle.
5 An appeal will be people to use electric vehicle for country.