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स्मार्ट सिटी पोर्ट ब्लेयर के तहत प्रस्ताव

आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Feb 29, 2016
अंतिम तिथि :
Mar 19, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
वर्तमान स्मार्ट शहर प्रस्ताव को और बेहतर बनाने के लिए यदि कोई शहरी ...
Proposal for Smart City Port Blair
Proposal for Smart City Port Blair
To transform India as a Business center in South
Asia.Our vision is to place our country in Worlds 2nd Largest economy by 2030.
This can only achieved through Tax Free zones and various concessions
As Port Blair is a part of Andaman & Nicobar Islands are located nearer to the “MALACCA
STRAIT”. 3/4th of the sea transportation of oil, cargo, coal, Iron&steel and other products Over 94,000 vessels passes through this area. 100% foreign ownership of the enterprise, 100% on exports.
before making the cities smart we have to make them viable for living.Before urbanising them we have to lay stress on the most important aspect of drainage so that scenario of Chennai floods is not repeated again
It is imperative for this development to be wholesome. No nature should be destroyed. Parks should be created and the history of the place, especially the importance in freedom struggle should be highlighted through museums.
Port Blair needs better mid-range hotels. If construction of these hotels is allowed, there should be extra focus on ensuring that no trees are cut. A rule can be passed that ALL hotels should be eco-friendly - recycle waste water and composting done to tackle waste
Port Blair can be a great tourist destination. The government can build aquatic parks in large area. Also this will work as a sanctuary for aquatic life.
Port Blair can also be developed as a business hub by creating a special zone/duty free ports in bay of bengal (like singapore). This will attract many shipping companies which will boost its economy and will generate source of income for locals. Also this will support PM Modi's Make in India initiative.
Once tourism gets boosted it will be fruitful and lucrative to all sectors . At ist Govt. Should spread its awareness and some special tourist packages to attract passengers.
No doubt , port blair is a fine tourist spot and can help in rising employment. its not less than a malady that many people of india don't know about its tourist destinAtions.generally,they are not interested to go there due to lack of information and travelling problems.ist step initiates here to boost its tourism via incredible india campaigns.
Also there is a necessity to boost transportation and Communication very well.thats very important.
Proposal for Smart City Port Blair
Andaman & Nicobar has a lot of uninhabitated islands.
Why cant we out source them to the private sector to develop a tourist destination for the CASINO industry. We could have a MACAU type or LAS VEGAS type legal gambling destination.
Huge amounts of Foreign exchange and Employment Opportunities would be generated.