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24 सितंबर 2017 को प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के मन की बात के लिए अपने विचार साझा करें
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 13, 2017
अंतिम तिथि :
Sep 22, 2017
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
मन की बात अपने पहले एपिसोड के प्रसारण के बाद से अब 3 उल्लेखनीय वर्षों ...
Dear Modi ji
You started Swatch Bharat Abhiyan 3 year ago, now this your dream project has lost shine. Only BJP or its minister talk and media coverage this, this what actual realty now on ground, in the beginning once it was started whole nation was enthusiastic, everybody want to take participate in this andolan and this was more effective than Demonetization which increase your image a lot of and motivated whole nation.
Pls read attached file for root cause and their solutions.
Pranam Shri Narendra Modi ji
In Last #MannKiBaat you focused your wonderful idea of inter cultural understanding by celebrating various State Days in schools of other States. We are celebrating Navratri now. I want to share my view, that in my family, instead of doing Kanya Bhoj for neighborhood girls we used to do it for girls in Orphanage. We are doing this for last 5 years. We not only organise a bhoj for them but give them stationery, clothes, indoor games etc.
Share Please if you like it.
Poem for Under-17 football world cup India.
If any mistakes please forgive me
Thank you
आदरणीय प्रधानमन्त्री महोदय,
मैंने पहले भी आपको मन की बात के माध्यम से कई पत्र लिखकर इस देश व् समाज के हित की बाते लिखी है. लेकिन इस बार मै अपनी निजी समस्या को लेकर पत्र लिख रहा हु. जिसका उल्लेख पत्र के द्वारा भी किया है. मैंने करनाल कोर्ट में व्याप्त भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ शिकायत की है जहाँ पर मेरे दो केस भूपिंदर नाथ व् राजन वालिया जज ने भ्रष्ट तरीके से रद्द क्र दिए थे और मुझे मेरे बेटे से ही मिलने से दूर रखा गया. क्या इस देश में सिर्फ औरतो के हक को ही देखा जाता है.मुझे मेरी शिकायत पर करवाई चाहिय.
In every school in India there are a break period for atleast 45 minutes.
So Modiji I will request you to create a rule that in every school every student I repeat every student should plant a tree everyday..
It needs only 10 minutes to plant a tree...
If it really happens then just imagine how much tree will be planted in all over India..
Atleast 1 crore will definitely..
Plz modiji make it happen..
It will definitely prevent global warming..
It can change the future of our country...
Respected PM Sir,
One domestic house is connected with electricity, water & PNG line then why can't they connected with a small installation of solar plate of 1 KW only and use it for their use compulsorily or voluntarily.
It will save huge power and that can be given to industries for manufacturing.
I may be wrong but it is saving on 1 unit per person to save 1 GW cumulatively for country.
Dear sir,
what are the actions are reforms taking on petty corruptions here i am giving you one case study Let us take passport the police still taking money for passport if they dont give he will write address is not correct and in some cases he asks for more proofs than stated, and names will be in slight modified way in other proofs like " jsvenkat" "j sri venkat" please take some action on it or give right to people to complain about it after giving the bribe, so there will be no delay.
Hum Chandan Yadav gram gauribasar block mohanpur Jila Deoghar Jharkhand से बोल रहे हैं हमारे गांव में सबसे बड़ा घोटाला हो रहा है यहां पर एक ही व्यक्ति के घर में अपने परिवार में ही सारा फंड मिल रहा है दूसरे व्यक्ति के घर में एक भी पढ़ना नहीं आया अभी तक 2017 तक हम आपका क्या बात कैसे पहुंचाएं इस चीज को जानने के लिए हम YouTube पर सर्च मारे और आप आपको आपको यह जानकारी देना Pada is gane Manoj Yadav Gudiya Devi daharu Prasad Yadav Sanjay yadav ek family hai मैं चाहता हूं आप एक बार चेक करके इंसाफ करेंtx
Hon. Pradhan Mantri Modi ji,
The Aadhaar Card is supoosed to be accepted through out India. But, I found out in painfull way that its NOT accepted, AND in fact it was regected as though I was an alien from another country or planet.
This is unacceptable, as you've spent crores of our tax money to provide this as a BONAFIED IDENTITY of INDIAN CITIZEN, how dare these state authorities are either ignorant of its purpose!! I'm Sr. Citizen incurred loss of paying full buss fare.
Sir..Lord Krishna says"Sreyaan Swadarmo Vigunaath Paradarmo Svanushtithaath" in Bagavat Gita, which is the foundation of our culture;One should be honest to his/her BODY (Sthoola Sareeram/Sukshma Sareeram);Bramma Sutra says "Purshartha adha Sapthaath idhi paadarayana" Aiming at Purshartha is the way to realize GOD.Without practizing SWADARMA aiming at PURUSHARTHA, BHARAT cannot achieve SWARAJYA. So,advise people to have SWADARMA & PURUSHARTHA as their two eyes