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24 सितंबर 2017 को प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के मन की बात के लिए अपने विचार साझा करें
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 13, 2017
अंतिम तिथि :
Sep 22, 2017
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
मन की बात अपने पहले एपिसोड के प्रसारण के बाद से अब 3 उल्लेखनीय वर्षों ...
Dear Modi Ji,
As long as apathy of our municipalities and corporations towards not keeping public places clean like markets, bus stands, railway stations or at least government hospitals, it is not going to help swachh bharat anymore. The only way to strengthen these systems which are controlled by electoral politics where corruption is rampant is through participation of samaj sevaks (retired persons and persons in NGOs) and bring parliamentary law to cancel local body elections.
आज हमारे शिक्षण का स्तर नीचे गिरता जा रहा है। एक सर्वे में कहा गया है कि इजनेर में कुल 10% इजनेर के पास ही स्किल है बाकी के पास केवल डिग्री है। स्कूल की बात करे तो कई प्राइवेट स्कूल ऐसे है जहाँ खेलो के लिए कोई मैदान ही नही है। ऐसे कैसे भारत खेलक्षेत्र में आगे बढ़ेगा । और बच्चो पर परीक्षा का इतना दबाव लगाया जाता है कि वो पढाई नही मार्क्स के पीछे भागते है। इस वक्त सबसे जरूरी बात है भारत में शिक्षण की हालात सुधारना।
आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्रीजी,
हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।
जनकल्याण रक्तपेढी (ब्लड बैंक),पुणे गत ३४ वर्षोंसे आरोग्यक्षेत्रमें अपना योगदान देती आयी है । ’राष्ट्रीय रक्तदान मास (अक्तुबर)’ के निमित्तसे हाल ही में हमने ’रक्तदान प्रेरणा-गीत’ की स्वरबद्ध कृती का निर्माण किया है । पुणे के स्कुलों/कॉलेजोंमें बाल-तरुणोंतक रक्तदान का पवित्र संदेश पहुंचाने के लिये इसको प्रसृत करनेकी हमारी योजना है । ’मनकी बात’ में रक्तदान का यह संदेश आपकी वाणी से उद्धृत हो, इस नम्र अनुरोध के साथ-
- महेंद्र वाघ
(साथमें -गीतकी प्रत )
Income tax is a very old, complex and a burdensome tax system for the govt. and the public. This is neither generating the revenues but requires a huge expense on its working such as court cases, salary, officees, organization structure & burden for the general public as assessments, officer - Raj, CA etc. If we see it broadly then income tax produce zero revenues as sale for one is purchase for the other and income from a person is exp of other. So there must be a tax on bank transaction
In Tamilnadu, usually big temples are very dirty are the temples, even though they are rich, donations pours or they have huge tracts of land and many properties. But due to bad governance, money is swindled and HR&CE who are in-charge do not bother.
Likewise smaller temples donot get adequate funds or attention and are dirty.
To start with can temple cleanliness be done by well known corporates from NIFTY50 as CSR. Give them tax relief proportional to cleanliness
I wrote to CPGRAMS having Registration Number : PMOPG/E/2017/0517916 But havent recieved any reply.
Honorable Prime Minister,
I have an Idea which can change the whole Mankind for that I need the help of such a persons like u sir it's really can be a amazing Idea but for that I want to tell u personally if it is possible but I don't know how to approach u because of my busy schedule but I find this, Believe it's could be a such a great idea for entire World.
I am waiting for your response sir.
Here is my mail ID: raghavgoel024@gmail.com
Sir atleast give me a chance to express my views.
All the talks about development of farmers " Indian farmers have no right to education loan". All Education loan policy states that "Non Agricultural land". Will the Indian farmers never have the right to Higher Education? For the development of farmers Karnataka Government revised the education loan policy and included Agricultural land. If the Karnataka Government Can , Why cannot the rest of India?
No Education loan for agriculture land I have an offer from Sheffield University.I have applied for an education loan in SBI bank. But my application got rejected because the mortgaged land is agriclture land. We talk about the growth of farmers but where is the support when we need it. What good is only words and no deeds? Plz tell what should i do at this situation, i cant miss this opportunity for which i have worked so hard. If agriculture land can be purchased and sold, why cant mortgaged?
respected sir
jis tarah se ryan school ki hadse ki inquery chal rahi hai , usko dekhkar ye nahi lagta hai ki koi productive result aayega , sirf lipa poti hogi aisa lagta hai,
pl intervene .
we will only belive in you.