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24 सितंबर 2017 को प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के मन की बात के लिए अपने विचार साझा करें
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 13, 2017
अंतिम तिथि :
Sep 22, 2017
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
मन की बात अपने पहले एपिसोड के प्रसारण के बाद से अब 3 उल्लेखनीय वर्षों ...
My suggestion is about income tax on agricultural income. My suggestions:
a) Why not incentivize farmers to report agricultural income, even if it is not taxable.
b) why not collect agricultural income at a different tariff, and keep it in a separate pool and use it for helping farmers
c)why not collect income tax and have some kind of cash back in the form of subsidy. In other words, subsidies can be funded by the income tax collected from farmers
- Is it correct in part of defence minister saying army will clean the areas at high altitude tourist spots?
- Army not meant for this. Army can support drive but no one can say like this. This leads to demeaning the army as a whole and country or pepole saying this should have shame.
- One should refrain making such statement for strong national army.
- If every where you require army then disband all other civil organisation and put everything under army.
plz ek baar es pr gor ki jaye sir
आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री जी मे भी किसानों कि ओर से मन कि बात कर रहा हु मध्यप्रदेश मे फसल भी ऐच्छिक हो फसल बीमा का सर्वे खेत कि इकाई पर हो जिला स्तर पर फसल बीमा कंपनी का आधिकारी मौजूद रहे जो किसानों समस्याओं का निराकरण करे
फसल बीमा के क्या नियम है आसुविधा पर कहा सम्पर्क करे नियमों कि जानकारी भेजे
कपिल पाटीदार
ग्राम -पोस्ट बोरलाय
तेह जिला बडवानी मध्यप्रदेश
प्रिय प्रधन्मन्त्री जी
आज् कल् लॊग धरना दॆना प्रदर्शन् करना काम् ना करना आदि सॆ अपनी बात् मनवाना चाहते है। यह बहुत ही गम्भ्ीर मामला है डाक्टर टीचर्स बैंक कर्मचारी जब ये लाेग धरना देगें ताे कैसे एेक नये भ्ाारत का सपना पूरा हाेगा। मरीज अस्पतालॊ मॆ परेशान् हैं बच्चे स्कूलॊ में अाैर अााम अादमी बैंक में । कुछ सकारात्मक् कदम उठाने की जरुरत् है
Draft policy for reviving the rivers is being prepared and nationwide awareness campaign has been on since the starting of this month. This policy suggests having trees on 1km from
Both sides of rivers. Forest on govt land and horticulture on private land. Subsidy and other support system for farmer moving to horticulture. Many eminent farmers , environmentalists have been working on this draft policy. It will be submitted to govt on Oct 2. Please take immediate action on the same. _/\_
Our population is exploding and there is increasing pressure on natural resources. It is of great concern to note that just in one generation time, the rivers have depleted drastically like never before. These rivers which flowed for millions of years have been drying and shrinking year by year. Out of our unawareness, we have done lot of damage already. If we don't start revival through strong govt policy now, it is too scary to even imagine the chaos that ensues in coming generations. 2/3
Dear PM sir,
Over the last two decades, farming has become a very unattractive for of living. Reason being lack of water due to depletion of rivers. This generation has never seen a river flow for all 12 months. It is either flooding or dry. Efforts of individuals and organisations hasn't been enough. We need comprehensive policy from govt to revive our rivers. Encourage horticulture to increase farmer income. Increase green cover on both sides of river through gov policy. Make it happen _/\_
BIN LESS Town:We placed our Haul Bins in the morning at 6.30am & once it fills by our Waste collector,transfer to the processing plant in the same day by 10.30am.This is our regular practice
Locking Systems in the Secondary Collection Bins: Locking Systems in the Secondary Collection bins can be open by our Field Supervisors.As because,we can dump the segregated waste in the Green (WET)& Blue Bin (DRY) so that unauthorized people cant throw mix Waste in the segregated Waste.
Ho'able Prime Minister sir,We Radiant Skills & Environmental Solutions,working in Waste Management Project in Tezpur, Sonitpur, Assam under Swachh Bharat Mission initiated by your able Leadership.We are the first organisation stsrted this project in Assam.
Our Major Objectives with New innovative Idea which are not yet implemented in across PAN India:
1. Door to Door Waste Collection with Source Segregation
2. BIN Less Town
3. Locking System of Secondary Bins
Looking for your blessing