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24 सितंबर 2017 को प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के मन की बात के लिए अपने विचार साझा करें
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 13, 2017
अंतिम तिथि :
Sep 22, 2017
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
मन की बात अपने पहले एपिसोड के प्रसारण के बाद से अब 3 उल्लेखनीय वर्षों ...
Respected PM,
We need to educate RWA's for rain water harvesting as a lot of water is drained through overhead water tanks. All families have motors on ground floor and once switched on nobody actually cares whether the water is overflowing or not. A lot of usable water goes down the drain. This can be utilised through connecting overflow pipes with the rain water pits. Need a public and Govt coordination
Dear sir,
My Honorable prime minister pros and cons of your rule.
1. As you wished India became cashless transaction make lot .I approciate that move but bank not encourage pepole towards cashless tranaction , instead up they were demotive by way of service charges and even transfer their account to others account that too stae bank of india levy each tranaction against 5.90 rs . This totally irrlevent and it wont makesgd
Dear PM
It is a privilege for us to talk to you directly in this forum. Lately I have been thinking about the common behaviours of people in our country. I have started noticing that we have become a selfish bunch of people. Everyone thinks only about themselves, be it inside home or outside. It would be nice if you could promote give way attitude among people, help them think about the person next to them before they act, it could be as small as giving way for the next vehicle on road.
i think these are the requirement from common man
* Remove unwanted animals from all city area.
* build correct road
* collect school tax from all people and build best public school so common people can send children to public school
* promote ZBNF farming which will reduce farming cost -
Respected sir, namaskar
Sir, main aapse request karna chahti hoon Ki school mein bachhon Ki safety k liye kadam uthaye jayein aur bachhon ko school mein healthy atmosphere mile iske liye jald se jald kadam uthaye jayein, aapse sakaratmak response ki ummeed hai...
Sir, problems bahut hain, magar main aapse vinti karti hoon Ki chote bachhon k school mein bachhon Ki safety k liye madam uthaye jayein aur teacher k behavior aur school k atmosphere k study k liye koi madam jald se jald uthayein
Modi ji!Namaste!
Please take a serious action against plastic disposable items.You know how disposable plastic bags and bottles tend to disrupting our environment.Socially/environmentally aware people are there in our society against of it.But how much result they can put up? 100% result will come only when Govt. takes serious action against of it.A better solution would be to reduce stop manufacturing of disposable plastics.Only Govt.has to do something for stopping this environmental issue.
Dear Sir,
1.I have some observations around my native place as well as Other areas like Delhi, Mumbai and Bhopal etc. Increasing Population (Bheedtantra) Educated or Uneducated making worse condition of all facilities whether its about Transport, Education, Food, Health, Jobs and security.etc
(Especially some communities they dont think about future threats).
(2) Now day in my locality some Shopkeeper and local vendors not taking 1,2 and somewhere 5 and 10 rupees coin as well.
Respected Modi Sir, I am an unemployed graduate I want to complain about keeping minimum balance of Rs5000 in Urban area for the account holders of State Bank Of India.Being an unemployed how a person can maintain a minimum balance in the account as per the rule made by the government. Is there any other solution for it apart from terminating the account just because I am not able to maintain the same. I would like you to please give a sorted way for the bachelors and the unemployers.