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24 सितंबर 2017 को प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के मन की बात के लिए अपने विचार साझा करें
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 13, 2017
अंतिम तिथि :
Sep 22, 2017
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
मन की बात अपने पहले एपिसोड के प्रसारण के बाद से अब 3 उल्लेखनीय वर्षों ...
Would request a transparent system for ensuring ACCOUNTABILITY among Government employees. Suggest using real time recording of all activity on a Government employee's computer monitor every day during office hours. This will help internal assessment of their efficiency, will be secure information, to be made public only through a court order, if needed. This can be developed along the lines of AADHAAR, with digital signature, and will be a big boost for public confidence in the Government.
Sir,At the outset please accept my heartiest compliments for the sterling performance of your govt. However, the same has not been highlighted. On the contrary evil forces are buidling a narrative to malign the govt. May I request you to please sensitise the social media team to work out a strategy to highlight the achievement of the govt and counter false propaganda of forces inimical to our nation. Jai Hind.
Yours sincerely
Sunita Singh
Dear Modi Ji,
Mann Ki Baat is completing 3 years and I would like to request that you talk about our Senior Citizen's welfare. We do talk about Young India and feel very proud about it, at the same time, we need to remember contribution of Senior and Super Senior Citizens to the country. One of the very important aspect we need to be cognizant about is Health ... (more in PDF)
Respected sir, Please make a option that people of India can give loan to government so that people fund can be used by govt and govt can give interest for the same to people.
Puneet M P
Mail: Puneethp22@gmail.com
Dowry Related law is non bailable Offence, It is highly misused by the Girl and her parents for blackmailing boy and his parents.It is taken as a tool for business by girl's side, that is why boys are hesitant to marry. It will affect Hindu population.In USA,the girl has no right on the savings and properties of the boy and his parent made before marriage.And the boy and girl have to share 50% of the total properties and Investments.Law should be equally fair to both.
I request Mr. Modi honourable PM to speed up the implementation of DDA land pooling policy in new delhi under strict RERA act which will be beneficial and affordable for customer who genuinely requires an affordable house with amenities like a smart city, as soon as possible. As this has already been slipping year by year.
#PMOnRadio, #MIB, #MannKiBaat, #MyGov, #AIR
Dear Modiji,
The Swatch Bharat Abhiyan started at three years ago, the project is more shine. And the new project in Swatch Bharat, Namami Ganga is more effective in cleaning Ganga Gram.
Sir, many people in this country fear on complaining on corruption because they might become targets in future for revenge. So corruption should be tackled by ensuring the anonymity of complainer in all governments. Then corruption can be tackled automatically. Also please make sure that future governments dont track down people who might have written against them to you.
Sir, India must take firm stand on opposing any sort dynastic, hereditary custom for occupying country's PM post. Sir running a country is not a family private business. Everyone in the country should have an opportunity based on merit and track record to become PM. It is ancient way that bloodline is the basis for candidature of PM post and it must be outright rejected. This is a free country, few have chosen to divide the country while giving unequal treatment along caste, religious lines.