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24 सितंबर 2023 को प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी द्वारा मन की बात के लिए आपके विचार/सुझाव आमंत्रित

आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 03, 2023
अंतिम तिथि :
Sep 22, 2023
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
माननीय PM श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी आपके साथ उन विषयों और समस्याओं पर अपने ...
my ideas for BHARAT 1. Every village's in India will get 100 crorer rupees.from my idea. 2. Employment for youth in India 1500 to 2000 create in each district. 3. Money for brastacharis recovery.(How to recover).
4. 4000 to 5000 per ton can be given sugarcane growers in India. 5. Every village's can be given Electricity. 6. A lot of money comes to the country from the digital system.
7. No one can give any job to the boys.who have passed their degree.They can be given crores of money. 8. Water problem can provider water to all the farmers. 9. Daily 1000 to 3000 crores can be given Indian army..
my ideas for BHARAT 1. Every village's in India will get 100 crorer rupees.from my idea. 2. Employment for youth in India 1500 to 2000 create in each district. 3. Money for brastacharis recovery.(How to recover).
4. 4000 to 5000 per ton can be given sugarcane growers in India. 5. Every village's can be given Electricity. 6. A lot of money comes to the country from the digital system.
7. No one can give any job to the boys.who have passed their degree.They can be given crores of money. 8. Water problem can provider water to all the farmers. 9. Daily 1000 to 3000 crores can be given Indian army..
my ideas for BHARAT 1. Every village's in India will get 100 crorer rupees.from my idea. 2. Employment for youth in India 1500 to 2000 create in each district. 3. Money for brastacharis recovery.(How to recover).
4. 4000 to 5000 per ton can be given sugarcane growers in India. 5. Every village's can be given Electricity. 6. A lot of money comes to the country from the digital system.
7. No one can give any job to the boys.who have passed their degree.They can be given crores of money. 8. Water problem can provider water to all the farmers. 9. Daily 1000 to 3000 crores can be given Indian army..
my ideas for BHARAT 1. Every village's in India will get 100 crorer rupees.from my idea. 2. Employment for youth in India 1500 to 2000 create in each district. 3. Money for brastacharis recovery.(How to recover).
4. 4000 to 5000 per ton can be given sugarcane growers in India. 5. Every village's can be given Electricity. 6. A lot of money comes to the country from the digital system.
7. No one can give any job to the boys.who have passed their degree.They can be given crores of money. 8. Water problem can provider water to all the farmers. 9. Daily 1000 to 3000 crores can be given Indian army..
my ideas for BHARAT 1. Every village's in India will get 100 crorer rupees.from my idea. 2. Employment for youth in India 1500 to 2000 create in each district. 3. Money for brastacharis recovery.(How to recover).
4. 4000 to 5000 per ton can be given sugarcane growers in India. 5. Every village's can be given Electricity. 6. A lot of money comes to the country from the digital system.
7. No one can give any job to the boys.who have passed their degree.They can be given crores of money. 8. Water problem can provider water to all the farmers. 9. Daily 1000 to 3000 crores can be given Indian army..
my ideas for BHARAT 1. Every village's in India will get 100 crorer rupees.from my idea. 2. Employment for youth in India 1500 to 2000 create in each district. 3. Money for brastacharis recovery.(How to recover).
4. 4000 to 5000 per ton can be given sugarcane growers in India. 5. Every village's can be given Electricity. 6. A lot of money comes to the country from the digital system.
7. No one can give any job to the boys.who have passed their degree.They can be given crores of money. 8. Water problem can provider water to all the farmers. 9. Daily 1000 to 3000 crores can be given Indian army..
my ideas for BHARAT 1. Every village's in India will get 100 crorer rupees.from my idea. 2. Employment for youth in India 1500 to 2000 create in each district. 3. Money for brastacharis recovery.(How to recover).
4. 4000 to 5000 per ton can be given sugarcane growers in India. 5. Every village's can be given Electricity. 6. A lot of money comes to the country from the digital system.
7. No one can give any job to the boys.who have passed their degree.They can be given crores of money. 8. Water problem can provider water to all the farmers. 9. Daily 1000 to 3000 crores can be given Indian army..
my ideas for BHARAT 1. Every village's in India will get 100 crorer rupees.from my idea. 2. Employment for youth in India 1500 to 2000 create in each district. 3. Money for brastacharis recovery.(How to recover).
4. 4000 to 5000 per ton can be given sugarcane growers in India. 5. Every village's can be given Electricity. 6. A lot of money comes to the country from the digital system.
7. No one can give any job to the boys.who have passed their degree.They can be given crores of money. 8. Water problem can provider water to all the farmers. 9. Daily 1000 to 3000 crores can be given Indian army..
my ideas for BHARAT 1. Every village's in India will get 100 crorer rupees.from my idea. 2. Employment for youth in India 1500 to 2000 create in each district. 3. Money for brastacharis recovery.(How to recover).
4. 4000 to 5000 per ton can be given sugarcane growers in India. 5. Every village's can be given Electricity. 6. A lot of money comes to the country from the digital system.
7. No one can give any job to the boys.who have passed their degree.They can be given crores of money. 8. Water problem can provider water to all the farmers. 9. Daily 1000 to 3000 crores can be given Indian army..
my ideas for BHARAT 1. Every village's in India will get 100 crorer rupees.from my idea. 2. Employment for youth in India 1500 to 2000 create in each district. 3. Money for brastacharis recovery.(How to recover).
4. 4000 to 5000 per ton can be given sugarcane growers in India. 5. Every village's can be given Electricity. 6. A lot of money comes to the country from the digital system.
7. No one can give any job to the boys.who have passed their degree.They can be given crores of money. 8. Water problem can provider water to all the farmers. 9. Daily 1000 to 3000 crores can be given Indian army..