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24 सितंबर 2023 को प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी द्वारा मन की बात के लिए आपके विचार/सुझाव आमंत्रित

आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 03, 2023
अंतिम तिथि :
Sep 22, 2023
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
माननीय PM श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी आपके साथ उन विषयों और समस्याओं पर अपने ...
my ideas for BHARAT 1. Every village's in India will get 100 crorer rupees.from my idea. 2. Employment for youth in India 1500 to 2000 create in each district. 3. Money for brastacharis recovery.(How to recover).
4. 4000 to 5000 per ton can be given sugarcane growers in India. 5. Every village's can be given Electricity. 6. A lot of money comes to the country from the digital system.
7. No one can give any job to the boys.who have passed their degree.They can be given crores of money. 8. Water problem can provider water to all the farmers. 9. Daily 1000 to 3000 crores can be given Indian army..
my ideas for BHARAT 1. Every village's in India will get 100 crorer rupees.from my idea. 2. Employment for youth in India 1500 to 2000 create in each district. 3. Money for brastacharis recovery.(How to recover).
4. 4000 to 5000 per ton can be given sugarcane growers in India. 5. Every village's can be given Electricity. 6. A lot of money comes to the country from the digital system.
7. No one can give any job to the boys.who have passed their degree.They can be given crores of money. 8. Water problem can provider water to all the farmers. 9. Daily 1000 to 3000 crores can be given Indian army..
Dear Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji,
I am writing to you today to request that you kindly look into the possibility of making online vegetable ordering and home delivery facilities available in rural areas of Telangana state, with a specific focus on the 506163 pincode area.
Many people in rural areas, especially the elderly and those with disabilities, have difficulty traveling to the city to buy vegetables. This can be a major inconvenience, and it can also lead to people having to pay higher prices for vegetables, as they are more limited in their options.
Online vegetable ordering and home delivery facilities would make it much easier for people in rural areas to access fresh, affordable vegetables. It would also help to support local farmers, as they would be able to sell their produce directly to consumers.
Please kindly look into it and understand the concern.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours Sincerely
B Sharath Naik
Dear Modi ji
Sub : YOUTH Vs GARBAGE pledge at our school by students
In connection with the subject cited above, I'm hereby submit an activity on swatch Bharat pledge by my students in our school. They promised to keep their surroundings clean and neat and also avoid single used plastics..
The incidences of sexual assault and rape on women are increasing day by day. It is painful for the members of the family of the victim. Women organizations can try their best to educate girls but I think that all the means of media can play an important role here. In the film “Mother India”, actress Nargis murders her son for misbehaving with their village daughter and 2nd example is of the film “Begum Jaan” (actress Vidya Balan), the last scene of this film the father has to face his daughter and feels so ashamed that he wants to commit suicide.
Female relatives of the assaulter should take the example of Nargis and punish them whereas male members of the victim should try to threaten the assaulter by taking revenge. Awareness and giving respect to the females must be taught to new generation and all the young girls and women should be taught to stand up for themselves and know self-defense.
Most Respected PMJI,
My humble suggestions are as under:
1) Kindly exempt MILLETS from GST since their consumption is being promoted on a large scale by the Union government.
2) Electric Arc Furnace in industries such as Steel can be promoted on top priority which will be a major step towards decarbonisation .
3)The Union Ministry concerned may be advised to take up with all the States and U.Ts a Green drive by large scale planting of tree saplings which will go a long way in attaining the net zero carbon emissions.
4) It is imperative to restore and rejuvenate all the waterbodies in the country. Invasive species such as water hyacinth, prosopis juliflora etc. apart from encroachments including unauthorized constructions have to be removed on a water footing. There will be twin benefits by undertaking this action - Significant increase in the ground water table & avoidance of floods .
Prime Minister Narendra Modi should ask the public about their life goals in his public speeches. This would be a great way to get to know the aspirations of the people and to see what they are expecting from the government. It would also show that he is listening to the people and that he is committed to serving their needs. Here are some of the benefits of Prime Minister Modi asking the public about their life goals in his public speeches:
It would help him to better understand the needs and desires of the people.
It would allow him to develop policies and programs that are more aligned with the people's aspirations.
It would show that he is listening to the people and that he is committed to serving their needs.
It would help to build trust and rapport between the government and the people.
It would inspire the people to achieve their goals and to contribute to the development of the nation.
Most Respected PMJI
My humble suggestions are as under:
1) Kindly arrange for the total waiver of customs duty for all the life saving drugs which are imported. The deadly T .B disease needs to be eliminated from the country by taking mission mode efforts.
2)Kindly advise the Union Ministry concerned to instruct all the village panchayats in the country to undertake a massive clean up drive that may include waterbodies in their jurisdictions before the ensuing Pujas . The volunteers from NCC, NSS ,NGOs , students , MNCs, and members of public can be roped in for the purpose.
3) It is sad that thousands of people of all ages are killed and injured due to accidents on roads and railway tracks. It is imperative to identify the accident prone areas and initiate appropriate action to reduce accidents and deaths. The Union Ministries concerned can launch awareness programmes for effective results.
Respected Narendra Modi sir,
I want to join politics to work with you and for our Bharat (India).
Need your support.
Good evening Modi ji. Many old people in rural areas are facing difficulty in going to the Post Office to receive their pensions every month, most of the villages were lacking the system of Crediting pension amount to the Beneficiary account and there is a fear of lossing the pension if they failed to collect their pensions in the consecutive 3months among the old's. Though, they have the alternative of receiving pensions in alternate months there is a fear of Signal glitch and they may be asked to come on the next day. So please consider updating the Digital Pension system and eliminate the rule of Collecting pensions atleast in 3months. Thank you.