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24 सितंबर 2023 को प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी द्वारा मन की बात के लिए आपके विचार/सुझाव आमंत्रित

आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 03, 2023
अंतिम तिथि :
Sep 22, 2023
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
माननीय PM श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी आपके साथ उन विषयों और समस्याओं पर अपने ...
In the case of the disqualification of Eknath Shinde and his MLA's, the political situation in Maharashtra will become worse, and after this, there will be no sense in forming a government by escalating Ajit Pawar as the CM of the state because he will also be disqualified on the same grounds as Shinde, so a better way is to ask the governor to dissolve the Maharashtra legislative assembly and conduct fresh elections along with five states in December.
Also, in Maharashtra, assembly elections should be held under the leadership of the lady OBC leader with great support from the public.
3. Now, after paying tax upto 30%, I try to make some mere earning from Mutual Funds, there too taxman haajar with LTCG,STCG 1L limit/ taxed as per slab. Formula is complex than Chandrayaan3's LVM3 M4.
Kindly consider sparing taxpayer to maximum extent or at least exempt gains upto 50% of taxable income.
Sir, I only named few where we exploited. There are many such areas where you can have some mercy on this poor section contributing rich to Bharat.
Thank you sir🙏
*Jai Hind*
Respected sir,
The theme must be on women power and role of women in building a strong ,cultured, society. In present day scenario the mothers are the best teachers for their childern to become a good human being. Time is changing our country can acheive the developed status by another twenty to thirty years, but the value ,the culture which is in our culture must be inculcated to these would be young citizens from the days when they start joining the Nursery or Anganwadi, that is the day from which they start scholling and these values can be best infused to the young minds through the mothers only. The women achivers in all fields starting from agriculture,education,business, social work to artsians, from all fields of society should be highlighted.
Dear Honorable PM Sir, My sincere gratitude to you for driving spectacular growth, prosperity, global positioning of my Bharat. 🙏
Sir, Being a one of only 6% tax payer, I feel taxpayers of Bharat are betrayed, ignored, exploited.. We 100% of salaried class pay tax inevitably. FEW examples below. Kindly do JUSTICE with mercy.
1. Our limit on health insurance tax exemption is 25K u/s80D
A.There shouldn't be any limit as it is health & survival.
B.Hospital shouldn't tax us for any amount. Link it to PAN to see if tax payer.
(Why should one pay on survival, no one fall ill intentionally)
2. After paying tax, I try to save something for my future security, taxman not even sparing me on my PF/VPF. Limit is interest on 2.5L. Interest above this is taxed.
Remove limit or revise to 50% of taxable income. Let one live in FUTURE too. Link EPFO/NPS to IT for eligibility.
3. Now, after paying tax upto 30%, I try to make some mere earning from Mutual Funds, there too t
Sir, It's proved that you have best experience in human life and humanity because the manager of the Bank and you both are Indian public worker but Bank manager is always failure to control the bank other side you control India. I pray to my God and Goddess again and again you born in this country for doing humanity and this societies. I am complete the course General Practitioners from Royal College but I have no ways for families Income thanks to again you gifted to our family 5 kg Rice per head every month. This is best experience of my life how to full fill families wants. Thanks.
Dog is a resource. sending herewith an idea that productively use Dog .The Dog can be used on boundry sights for security as sniffer only give them proper amenities ,training
Pradhanmantri ji pranam.
Spiritual library is a concept of a fixed place where all peple come and study religious and inspirational book to know about real concept of religion.it is a need of present time.my view is to all temple has necessary to open library for upgrade knowledge.
Respected prime minister of Bharat I want thank you of millions of women's of Bharat & behalf every rural panchyat sister of Bharat sir
My self Ajay Bondge sir after 27 years the women vandan abivandan bill in 2 days you proved once again yahi samay hai sahi samay hai while opening of new lok sabha session day starts with women's bill it is like praying for maa bharthi & millions of mothers of God it is gift of gauri ganesh for women's sir thanking you for making women power bharat power to all team members congrulations for successful landing of chandrayan 3 & g20 summit
Respected prime minister Sri Narendra Modi ji
Please do something for the job. My mom is highly qualified sst teacher yet she didn't have been given a government job for the past 15 years. She has given alot of exams but due to age problem she has not been selected.
PM Sir, Again I felt #SBI requirement fact, All side complete my application for #PMEGP loan but the manager of SBI Doom Dooma branch has asking me about my property, and want agreement copy of landing shop. My again q hare how can I submit agreement copy to the manager of the bank because I am a fresher student, I have no any existing business nor any properties. Again and agai why you supporting this kind of management system, which is not supporting the fresher student and buisness man. How can a poor student submitting the agreement copy of the shop to the Bank. The manager said that they have supporting the Indian Low, than what kind of education we are earning from Indian Institutions we are always obeying the Indian Low with out low can't do anything in this country. Also the requirement of the bank is not mentioned in your PMEGP program.