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24 सितंबर 2023 को प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी द्वारा मन की बात के लिए आपके विचार/सुझाव आमंत्रित

आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 03, 2023
अंतिम तिथि :
Sep 22, 2023
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
माननीय PM श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी आपके साथ उन विषयों और समस्याओं पर अपने ...
महोदय, बेरोजगारी की समस्या दूर करने का एक बेहतरीन रास्ता ये हो सकता है कि सरकार हर एक BPL कार्ड धारक के परिवार में एक नौकरी दे और संयुक्त परिवार मे ये तय करने का अधिकार मुखिया को दिया जाए।
जिस घर मे पहले से सरकारी नौकरी हो वो इसका लाभ नही ले सकते, नौकरी योग्यता के हिसाब से दी जाए जैसे जो अनपढ हो उसको सफाई कर्मी आदि की नौकरी दी जाए।
चूकी 8080 लाख युवा को नौकरी देना असंभव है परंतु 606 लाख परिवार (जिनमे बहुत से घर मे पहले से नौकरी वाले होंगे) को आराम से नौकरी दिया जा सकता है।
Namaste sir. Under your Leadership G20 conference conducted in Grand manner and Successful. You have taken our Nation into new heights. you have taken More initiatives for the Future of our youths. Alcohol consumption increased among youths. Some states implemented Prohibition of Alcohol. In other states youths are getting addiction to Alcohol. To save their future and welfare of their families,our Government of India must take strong decisions through restrictions. License may be issued for Alcohol users with limited allotment. Alchohol distilleries may be asked to reduce their production with quality assurance. Because nowadays health of more youths have been affected by Alcohol. Central Government may frame rules in Alcohol sales and consumption for the welfare of crores of families who are having more faith on your Leadership. Please speak sir. Jai hind.
Please read my views
please read my views
India is a country & it has a lot to offer tourists , here are few things that India could do to attract more foreign visitors.
• Create a dedicated website for foreign tourists that provides information on visas, transportation, accommodation, and tourist attractions.
• Launch a marketing campaign to promote India's unique culture and attractions to foreign tourists.
• Develop new tourist attractions and activities, such as cultural tours, eco-tourism, and adventure tourism.
• Make it easier for foreign businesses to operate in India by reducing bureaucracy and improving the investment climate.
• Train police and other public officials on how to deal with foreign tourists.
• Create a special tourist police force to protect tourists from crime and harassment.
• Improve the safety of tourist attractions, such as temples and mosques.
• Make it easier for tourists to report crimes.
•• Promote cultural understanding and tolerance between Indians and foreigners.
Please read my views
my ideas for BHARAT 1. Every village's in India will get 100 crorer rupees.from my idea. 2. Employment for youth in India 1500 to 2000 create in each district. 3. Money for brastacharis recovery.(How to recover).
4. 4000 to 5000 per ton can be given sugarcane growers in India. 5. Every village's can be given Electricity. 6. A lot of money comes to the country from the digital system.
7. No one can give any job to the boys.who have passed their degree.They can be given crores of money. 8. Water problem can provider water to all the farmers. 9. Daily 1000 to 3000 crores can be given Indian army..
My contact number 8970354990
my ideas for BHARAT 1. Every village's in India will get 100 crorer rupees.from my idea. 2. Employment for youth in India 1500 to 2000 create in each district. 3. Money for brastacharis recovery.(How to recover).
4. 4000 to 5000 per ton can be given sugarcane growers in India. 5. Every village's can be given Electricity. 6. A lot of money comes to the country from the digital system.
7. No one can give any job to the boys.who have passed their degree.They can be given crores of money. 8. Water problem can provider water to all the farmers. 9. Daily 1000 to 3000 crores can be given Indian army..
my ideas for BHARAT 1. Every village's in India will get 100 crorer rupees.from my idea. 2. Employment for youth in India 1500 to 2000 create in each district. 3. Money for brastacharis recovery.(How to recover).
4. 4000 to 5000 per ton can be given sugarcane growers in India. 5. Every village's can be given Electricity. 6. A lot of money comes to the country from the digital system.
7. No one can give any job to the boys.who have passed their degree.They can be given crores of money. 8. Water problem can provider water to all the farmers. 9. Daily 1000 to 3000 crores can be given Indian army..
my ideas for BHARAT 1. Every village's in India will get 100 crorer rupees.from my idea. 2. Employment for youth in India 1500 to 2000 create in each district. 3. Money for brastacharis recovery.(How to recover).
4. 4000 to 5000 per ton can be given sugarcane growers in India. 5. Every village's can be given Electricity. 6. A lot of money comes to the country from the digital system.
7. No one can give any job to the boys.who have passed their degree.They can be given crores of money. 8. Water problem can provider water to all the farmers. 9. Daily 1000 to 3000 crores can be given Indian army..