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28 जुलाई 2024 को प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी द्वारा मन की बात के लिए आपके विचार/सुझाव आमंत्रित

आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jul 03, 2024
अंतिम तिथि :
Jul 26, 2024
18:15 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
माननीय PM श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी आपके साथ उन विषयों और समस्याओं पर अपने ...
Sir I request redress of 3049 grievances registered during 08-09-2020 to 09-02-2024 on PMOPG Portal for cancellation of DoWRRDGR, GoI premature retirement order dated 12.12.2017 under Rule 48 of CCS Pension Rules, 1972 with invalid PPO 017932100052 having no payment against the said PPO 017932100052 in digitally signed Form 16 even for the last FY 2023-2024 in light of DoPT OM dated 27.06.2024
Sir I request redress of 3049 grievances registered during 08-09-2020 to 09-02-2024 on PMOPG Portal for cancellation of DoWRRDGR, GoI premature retirement order dated 12.12.2017 under Rule 48 of CCS Pension Rules, 1972 with invalid PPO 017932100052 having no payment against the said PPO 017932100052 in digitally signed Form 16 even for the last FY 2023-2024 in light of DoPT OM dated 27.06.2024
पूरे विश्व में लोकप्रिय प्रधानमंत्री श्री मोदी जी मनोज मंगल गोनिया कस्बा तोशाम हरियाणा ने अपनी 25वीं सालगिरह को किसी बड़े होटल या रिजॉर्ट में ना बनाकर अपने परिवार जनों के साथ 25 पेड़ लगाकर इसको मनाया और लोगों को भी प्रेरित किया है कि अपनी एनिवर्सरी या जन्मदिन जितने भी नंबर का हो उतने ही पेड़ लगाए।
मनोज मंगल गोनिया अब तक हजारों पेड़ लगा चुके हैं और जब से धरती का तापमान 50 डिग्री क्रॉस किया है तो उन्होंने एक मुहिम भी चलाई है पेड़ लगाओ पृथ्वी बचाओ और उसके तहत काफी पेड़ खुद भी लगाते रहते हैं और बाकियों से भी लगवाते रहते हैं।।
Manoj Mangal
Tosham (District - Bhiwani )
Contact no - 8930421000 , 9053295000
आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी जी सार्वजनिक वितरण प्रणाली में माप तौल में धांधली हो रही हैं आपसे अनुरोध हैं कि इसकी जांच कर संबंधित डिलरो पर कारवाई करें
Sir I request redress of 3049 grievances registered during 08-09-2020 to 09-02-2024 on PMOPG Portal for cancellation of DoWRRDGR, GoI premature retirement order dated 12.12.2017 under Rule 48 of CCS Pension Rules, 1972 with invalid PPO 017932100052 having no payment against the said PPO 017932100052 in digitally signed Form 16 even for the last FY 2023-2024 in light of DoPT OM dated 27.06.2024
1. Government initiatives like the Swachh Bharat Mission have made progress, but more is needed. Community participation is crucial. Many local success stories show that waste segregation and recycling can make a difference.
2. To improve waste management, we should adopt technologies like smart bins and waste-to-energy plants. Additionally, creating a mobile app that helps users track their waste disposal, offers tips for proper segregation, and connects them with nearby recycling centers could greatly boost our efforts.
3. I urge everyone to segregate waste at home and participate in local cleanliness drives. Your involvement is key to a cleaner environment.
4. The government is committed to enhancing waste management systems and supporting new initiatives. Together, we can build a cleaner, healthier India.
Thank you.
Sir I request redress of 3049 grievances registered during 08-09-2020 to 09-02-2024 on PMOPG Portal for cancellation of DoWRRDGR, GoI premature retirement order dated 12.12.2017 under Rule 48 of CCS Pension Rules, 1972 with invalid PPO 017932100052 having no payment against the said PPO 017932100052 in digitally signed Form 16 even for the last FY 2023-2024 in light of DoPT OM dated 27.06.2024
Sir I request redress of 3049 grievances registered during 08-09-2020 to 09-02-2024 on PMOPG Portal for cancellation of DoWRRDGR, GoI premature retirement order dated 12.12.2017 under Rule 48 of CCS Pension Rules, 1972 with invalid PPO 017932100052 having no payment against the said PPO 017932100052 in digitally signed Form 16 even for the last FY 2023-2024 in light of DoPT OM dated 27.06.2024
Res Sir
I have grown this season Purple Rice from labeniya which I have got by AAU about 3 kg and expecting a yield of 60-80 kg ,that I will distribute it in other farmers in my area.This Rice has different properties like antioxidants,anticancer effects,having low glysemic index and nice aroma.I have cultivated different rice varieties like Red rice,Black Burma Rice,Basmati Rice,Blue Rice,RNR telngana sona,Thayomalli jasmine Rice and this year Purple Rice and which is first time being grown in Maharashtra.I have distributed all such rice seeds to other farmers so they will get good price after selling it.I have also taken different innovative crops like Stauberry, Dragon fruit,Colour mellonI even weather is not favorable and educating other farmers too.I have done different innovations in Agriculture and even Government of India has granted patent for my innovation.Patent no-244902.I have Awarded as Maharashtra Krushibhushan 2019
Minesh Gadgil, Village Gulsunde,Tal-Panvel Dist-Raigad