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Campaign against pollution causing vehicles in Chandigarh
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jan 18, 2016
अंतिम तिथि :
Mar 19, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
The State Transport Authority (STA), U.T., Chandigarh has initiated a citywide enforcement campaign against the illegal and pollution causing vehicles, especially diesel ...
It should be controlled by per person car limit. Secondly, Scenario in Delhi will be same after one year because every body will owned even number and odd number car. It will not reduce the pollution but defiantly unfavourable current accounts because of unnecessary purchasing of second car .If a person owned a even no. licence plate second one should be again even no.otherwise it will use on alternate days. A family should have all a even or odd no. cars only than only pollution will control.
Ban overloading fix responsibility of officer if fail to control remove them from system it will help to control pollution as well as better condition of road. Also remove all pollution contrl agency who issue pollution certificate without any inspection . Is any authority check and monitor their working .Biggest lapse in system.
1. Directly banning vehicles is not always a good idea. Instead incentives can be given for exhange or migration to less polluting vehicles.
2. Levy vehicel area tax, 2nd vehicle tax, night entry tax, busy hour plying tax, parking cess, Swachh Bharat Cess.
3. Mandatory fitness test, catalytic converter, phase out old vehicles.
4. But mostly public transport.
pollution is mainly occurring due to the vehicles and factories which burn things. It must be a rule to place air filters on factories so that at-least 40 % of pollutants decrease. We have to work on some filtering process for vehicles. especially diesel vehicles.
firstly identified manor source of pollution and concentration of pollutant in ambient air.
Diesel autos should be banned
Battery rickshaws should be given to all all diesel auto owners
Strict implementation of pollution norms for all vehicles
All pollution check certificates that have expired to be called and vehicle owners to be incentivized to get it done. Car companies to make the calls to the owners and incentivize them with a free car wash etc or government can make the call #CampaignAgainstPollution #CTU #CPCC #MyGov
Install dustbins in public places that incentivize usage. People dumping in the dustbins get free song downloaded on phone ... phone scan or email id can b punched or scan their adhaar or valid I card and get Clean Points. These points can be redeemed for some benefits.#CampaignAgainstPollution #CPCC #MyGov #CTU
Respect sir,
I asked with my teacher in school life can we change smoke coming out of factory or industry into liquid then my teacher told yes then why we can't stop the pollution because we can change smoke in to liquid form by solid to liquid and liquid to gas formula plz discuss about it and try to stop pollution
2/2) Traffic police also monitors the situations on highway and city roads with regular patrolling and catch the violators immediately. Nobody can avoid the fines as information of every citizen or immigrant is on digital records with police, which they can find through licence or vehicle number. Apart from catching the polluting vehicles in Chandigarh, gov. should try to resolve the situation by updating infrastructure and support system throughout the country to avoid traffic congestions.