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Campaign against pollution causing vehicles in Chandigarh
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jan 18, 2016
अंतिम तिथि :
Mar 19, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
The State Transport Authority (STA), U.T., Chandigarh has initiated a citywide enforcement campaign against the illegal and pollution causing vehicles, especially diesel ...
provide some cycles to people at low cost and promote it.
Vehicle pollution is depends on many causes.
1.Govt vehicles, RTC BUSES are very bad at hyderabad and many cities in the country so govt should avoid those buses. Before that the roads should be comfortable to the vehicles otherwise it wont use.
2. Manufacturing industries should maintain some quality, the vehicle are just looks good not eco friendly.
3. people should involve in all part of clean and green because everything done by an individual no else come and do this.
आरक्षण हमारे देश को धीरे-धीरे दीमक की तरह खोखला कर रहा हैं. समाज के बंचित लोगों के विकास और मुख्यधारा में शामिल करने के लिए आरक्षण होनी चाहिए पर साथ में इसकी समीक्षा भी होनी चाहिए. आरक्षण जाति आधारित ना होकर आर्थिक आधार पर हो तो इससे देश को एक लाभ मिलेगा और साथ ही एक ऐसे छात्र भी देश को मिलेगा जो अपने देश के विकास कार्य में अपनी भूमिका निभा सकेगा.वैसे भी सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने कहा हैं आरक्षण केवल उनही को मिलनी चाहिए जो सबसे अधिक पीड़ित हैं
we can also use the member+ police
like 4seater car their must be 3member compulsory in car
8 seater car thir must be 4member compulsory in car
All diesel vehicles above 2 years of age should be checked every six months and certified as non-polluting before permitting on road.
Make carry bag of good quality of jute. Take costs of bag by giving commercial ads from companies with punch line Savach Bharat. Now put the unique barcode number on upper strip in both side of bag. Then totally ban plastic carry bags. Distribute it on minimal cost to all malls and stores. Now store can charge the same amount on purchase and add the bag cost by scanning it. Then when customer came next time with same bag give 1% discounts on total amount. Return some amounts on returning old
Sir,it's the need of time to stop pollution causing vehicles running in the city beautiful. Sir second thing to control pollution in and around city the green belt of the city must be secured by administration as encroachment is very dangerous to city beautiful. I saw some places around Chandigarh are khudaalisher near to railway station area, ramdarwar, and many more other Lal Dora areas are fully captured by some peoples. Lal Dora area is green belt of Chandigarh #stopselling land in Lal Dora
Respected sir, everyday I am watching anti-polythene advertiment/hording by Chandigarh administration but it seem that it's only in advertisements not on ground, I saw every fruits/vegetables vendors along with other merchants freely using these bags but no body force to stop these hazardous materials in Chandigarh UT. Second problem in Chandigarh is traffic control as police department totally failed to control traffic specifically in peak hours 5to7pm ,city need alternatives/ flyovers
We should be careful for our environment. We have change our daily habitat. We should try to use as much as government transportation instead of own. It will have us to save fuel an as well as air pollution and also the traffic on the road. Government buses should be converted to CNG or electronic or hybrid.
Such auto rickshaw may be modified into ENVIRONMENT friendly.