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Campaign against pollution causing vehicles in Chandigarh
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jan 18, 2016
अंतिम तिथि :
Mar 19, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
The State Transport Authority (STA), U.T., Chandigarh has initiated a citywide enforcement campaign against the illegal and pollution causing vehicles, especially diesel ...
In CTU, chandigar roadways(chandigarh transport undertakin) all buses run on diesel fuel.So CTU stop all bus first.
Pl adopt, follow patented concept 1086/MUM/2012; WO 2013164848 providing method to run roads, rail tracks & ways themselves with aid of solar & wind energy. The ways will carry loaded vehicles, passengers, goods without their being need to drive individual conveyances. It will be fuel less public transport system fully integrating private conveyances, as well. Thus, no need of driving, no burning of fuel, no pollution, no accidents. Cost of tracks, electricity together will be less than half.
people should plant the tress specially neem, peepal and banayan tree for clean air. All the trees should plant along the road side of a city. And government should banned the diesel segment car for the private use.(only tree will give us the pollution environment)
Most of the pollution is beause of dessel engine if we got a replacement of it then pollution in under control.but before banning it we should to do less rate for petrol.and if all the goverment vans will made of petrol or gases and goverment employees should preffer public transport than their own vehicles.
Most of the vehicle runs on Monday to Friday and on Saturday and Sunday roads are empty. We can adjust the weekly off days in between Mon to Fri for different pvt. and govt. offices.
Benefit: In my case, currently in weekdays (Mon-Fri) my car takes 1 hour to reach office due to rush and jam and when I go to office in weekend it takes only 25-35 minutes. So engine will reduce the emission by 50% by this practice. Traffic problem will also reduce by it.
illegal and pollution causing auto rickshaw and other vehicles must be banned, such auto drivers should be facilated to own environment friendly auto rickshaw thrugh bank loan.
Parking for environmental friendly vehicles must be FREE as an insensitive.
India is called soft state in enforcing laws.laws should be enforced in true spirit.
why cant we produce the vehicle which is not polluting the environment? can we have the money/time for research?
Always, we need to increase the food production when the population increased instead of stopping birth. The same way we need to follow here.
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why cant we produce the vehicle which is not polluting the environment? can we have the money/time for research?
Always, we need to increase the food production when the population increased instead of stopping birth. The same way we need to follow here.
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