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DIGIPIN के बीटा वर्जन पर चर्चा
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jul 31, 2024
अंतिम तिथि :
Sep 22, 2024
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
डाक विभाग सार्वजनिक और निजी सेवाओं की नागरिक-केंद्रित सेवाओं की ...
According to the four-page report, there was bleeding from the woman’s private parts, with injury marks in other parts of the body.
"There was bleeding from both her eyes and mouth, injuries over her face and nails. The victim was also bleeding from her private parts. She also has injuries in her belly, left leg, neck, in her right hand, ring finger and lips," it said.
Two lady witnesses and the woman’s mother were present during the autopsy, which was conducted on camera.
Senior police officers said, “Her neck bone was also found broken. It seems that she was first strangulated and then smothered to death. We are waiting for the full report of the autopsy, which will help us identify the culprits,"
The Kolkata Police has also formed a Special Investigation Team (SIT), including members of the homicide department, among others, to probe the crime.
Earlier in the day, the semi-nude body of the woman, was found inside the seminar hall of the government-run hospital. The deceased was
DiGipin is a new modern system for change overlook of postal department.it is a revolutionary step in history of postal sector.it is a way to provide better service and fast delivery of public work.it will be dynamic changes in their work culture.
ऊपर 7 लाइन पर गलत DS 3679 /8019 को DS 3670/8019 read करें
ऊपर 7 लाइन पर गलती से DS 3679 लिख दिता उसे DS 3670 read❤️करें
Need to meet PMO India for Discuss the project details. Kishor Balasaheb Wagh (9096212065)
Need to meet PMO India for Discuss the project details.
I come back to new delhi but india is gret..
In the code I saw that there is a grid made of approximately 0-100 latitude X 0-100 Longitude and these are further divided in blocks of 20x20. Every iteration divides the 100x100 grid in a block of 20x20, so totally, all India is divided in 5x5 matrix. I think it would be much better to divide it in a 10x10 grid, but it will then have to permutate more on the DIGIPIN
in digipin
pin drop pin point location
in point of view safety or security
when we go by dogital map - drastic changes gonna through we can't everytime put but if introduce feature which indirectly help 2pin pint exact address
eg- few are due construction or population go changes or even illigal resident so if with hand feature that will point additional mark by symbol or sine or ant kind of colour which will introduce additional location pin point & if with this additional feature if share with who wanna need by that route may helps cause simple - thing in life
1will in his route may miss the road but nxt 2him won't do mistake so in human life or any society need of proper road so 1ns mistake can't be others
do & follow
this may help by digital way
We should create a new PSU or SPV can call Engine India Ltd by separating HAL engine division. HAL is Assembling most of engines in their division.
Engine India should manufacture or assemble every type of engines whether use in Missiles, Rocket, planes, Ships, Tanks or drones.
A specialised company is mostly needed.