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DIGIPIN के बीटा वर्जन पर चर्चा
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jul 31, 2024
अंतिम तिथि :
Sep 22, 2024
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
डाक विभाग सार्वजनिक और निजी सेवाओं की नागरिक-केंद्रित सेवाओं की ...
Respected PM sir,
Being a hardcore supporter of BJP and your govt , off lately i am very worried about the future of our kids and country as a whole. I understand my understanding is not even 10% of over all scenario but i would like to highlight the worry points.
A) Being a Brahmin, Upper caste hindu there is no govt scheme which touches our lives. We are modern untouchables/Jews of 21st century.
B) I pay 5 digit TDS each month from my salary. No questions asked. your govt gets this before i get my salary.
C) each time, I buy anything i pay via way of GST. So technically i pay tax again on already taxed salaries income.
D) Being lower middle class tax payer, We are aspirational so we end up getting all services from pvt sector. Be it hospital, school or utilities like transport .
E) I pay TDS + GST + All kind of CESS + EXCISE + STCG + LTCG
Is govt obsessed with citizens money. My refund is stuck for almost 60 days+counting. no one listens in IT deptt.
GPGRAMS website पर Ist अपील RO LUD/E /2024/01667 dated 28.07.24, फिर यह अगरमी कारबाई हेतु epfo द्वारका न्यू दिल्ली को भेजा लेकिन कोई जवाब नहीं मिला
2nd अपील MOLBR/E/2024/090655 दिनांक 26.08.24 reply अपील rejected on 28.08.24
3rthd अपील on 01.09.24 same rejected on 05.09.24
now I have by IDmail amitkotoch@epfindia.gov in, if request is not considered shall have to go for legal एक्शन
आत्ताच documents
हमारे वहां रास्ता
सब टूटा है आने-जाने में बहुत दिक्कत होती है इसीलिए हम अपनी सरकार चुने
Dear All
The transparent India shall be corruption free and DIGIPIN is one of the many more advanced decisions to be initiated. Maybe special exceptions
for defence and "z" security issues shall follow as security and National integration on Top Priority.
The most convenient use by important agencies like ED CBI & intelligence shall help in solving critical corruption and crime finalisation also secure 🔐 Nation against 9/11 type incidents and No more Kasab operations possible in India as constant vigilance and smart and ever alert special task forces will be constantly watching every 5 feet area from satellite system.
By 2047 India with 100 trillion economy ₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹ automatically world No 1 super power and the Hat-trick HERO favourite friend YOGI jee in full Powers as PM also super senior N Bhai Modi jee President and Happy and Pure Hindu Bharat dreams comes true.
INDIA under sports ministry Jayshaw and Home minister Lady Boss Kangana Madam and permanent Political advisor Amit jee
pin perfect pin point address
if do categories +arewise in formation of AI
it will help - in digital program
¹-maximum r based in native place
²how much r traveler or in case of business or else reason.
³then categories if digital business
such calle- Uber Ola urban oe else all categories
⁴then if put local 2traveler , if sort
according 2need of individual means do categories in parts of sorting easily
⁵metro cities how much use 4what reason - digital
travel or local or daily use
⁶due vehicle & population growth
sine of traffic- what show & how cn sorting
best way - put changing aspect
eg-if think of India & it's nature - holidays festival hiw affect traffic
cause India having huge diversity in everything
& that everything affects anything
especially think of - digital
so how cn bring or put flexibility- AI format
it's easy not so difficult
just do study of nature charecter if India
then Indian people this also help elsewhere
digipin - inshort digital in
Digipin is a great way to visualize and curate content - perfect for brainstorming and planning projects!