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DIGIPIN के बीटा वर्जन पर चर्चा
![Discussion on Beta version of DIGIPIN Discussion on Beta version of DIGIPIN](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/mygov_1722418201123364621.jpg)
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jul 31, 2024
अंतिम तिथि :
Sep 22, 2024
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
डाक विभाग सार्वजनिक और निजी सेवाओं की नागरिक-केंद्रित सेवाओं की ...
भारतीय डाक विभाग की डीजीपिन सेवा का देश सभी नागरिकों को फायदा होगा इसका लाभ उठाया।
Considering all projects whether Zorawar or planes. We are facing engine issues and hence we are missing our deadline.
We should make a dedicated PSU or SPV or engine corridor where every type of engine to be designed, develop and manufactured with all testing facilities like ISRO or DRDO.
Engines are heart of our economy and security like Chip industries.
Other government based institutions should also be able to use the same APIs for integration and multiple cases like finding out addresses of citizens
Public institutions like income tax can use the system to integrate personal and business institutions account to provide its address to government
Once all types of accounts which are working in income tax will provide their own DIGIPIN addresses, with yearly submission. in this way, the government will have verified addresses from other sources, and it will get populated into this central database.
Additional use cases with external third-party systems after integrating and searching for addresses. For example, delivery based companies like Amazon or Flipkart can use DIGIPIN to search for customers and their addresses, And because the users have submitted their address with identity in their tax returns, third-party companies can get verified information that this address belongs to this specific customer
This system should have capability to expose for external integrations via API, which are using industry standards. The system should be created in a way where the external companies like Google maps or Apple Maps or any other navigation based company should be able to query this database and find locations to houses.
This will enable third-party vendors like blinkit or any other company which provides delivery services to find its customers and citizens.
The system should be able to integrate with due location based applications like Google maps and Apple Maps or any other open standard
It should also provide capability for its use by third-party vendors who provide B2C use cases
Namaste Modi.ji,
I am not able to access the MyGov Discussions as the Discussions column is showing empty in IOS Application. Please can someone correct it. This problem is repeating frequently.
Is there any thought on Privacy and security aspects as the code can be accessed decoded by anyone and can track the IP address by anyone , Is there any governance on how DIGPIN has to be used and the legal side of not using this for right purpose . Need more tighter cyber laws when enabling the digital world and privacy concerns DIGIPIN is a PII information, all the existing laws to store the PII has to be added for this data .
Maze pm kisan namo kisan Che Malaysia pm kisan Che 11 kist mila hai Bajirao rakhi kist mila NAHI
Maze pm kisan namo kisan Che Paisa NAHI ahya
First of all, the name DIGIPIN is to be renamed as INDIPIN (Indian Digital Postal Index Number). The longitude and latitude measurements are not advisable to be represented with 2-9 Numbers and ALPHABETS. The DIGIPIN pattern is partially identical with the existing PINCODE pattern. For the new design (DIGIPIN / INDIPIN) the existing 6-digit PINCODE can be redesigned to 10-digit / 12-digit INDIPIN. The PINCODE can be suffixed with Area Code (Division Number of City / Ward Number of Town / Block Number of Village) and Survey Number (as per local revenue records). The DIGIPIN / INDIPIN so entered in the public domain will locate the exact location of the area with the help of longitude and latitude. For example, 534-006-24-0134. In the above DIGIPIN / INDIPIN pattern, the First 3-digits represents Region-District-Mail Route. Next 3-digits represents post office number (as per Dept of Posts records). Next 2-digit / 3-digit represents area code. Last 4-digit / 3-digit is the Survey Number.
To city and village conect by higvay and state road and bha ra ma in act so esealy village reach all gov. Scem and also campany tehy provod all his aitem ans product they made