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DIGIPIN के बीटा वर्जन पर चर्चा
![Discussion on Beta version of DIGIPIN Discussion on Beta version of DIGIPIN](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/mygov_1722418201123364621.jpg)
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jul 31, 2024
अंतिम तिथि :
Sep 22, 2024
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
डाक विभाग सार्वजनिक और निजी सेवाओं की नागरिक-केंद्रित सेवाओं की ...
DIGIPIN has been designed for the Indian context. All points of interest to India (including maritime regions) can be assigned codes, and it is possible to assign unique digital addresses even in areas that are very densely populated.
DIGIPIN contains the geographic location of the area. It is possible to extract the latitude and longitude of the address from the DIGIPIN with low complexity.
Build security, should not go into wrong hands
DIGIPIN layer will act as the addressing reference system which will be available offline and can be used for locating addresses in a logical manner with directional properties built into it due to the logical naming pattern followed in its construction. DIGIPIN can be also used for emergency rescue operations, national disasters like flood. DIGIPIN is proposed to be fully available in public domain and can be easily accessed by everyone. Since no private address data is stored against DIGIPIN grid value, there is no privacy concern associated with DIGIPIN being in public domain. DIGIPIN Grid system being an addressing referencing system, can be used as the base stack for development of other ecosystems where addressing is one of the processes in the workflow.
The implementation of this Digital Addressing system would ensure simplified addressing solutions for citizen centric delivery of public and private services. A standardized geo-coded addressing system would enhance India’s geo-spatial structure. It would add to the geospatial knowledge stack of the country in line with the National Geospatial Policy 2022, which seeks to strengthen the geospatial sector to support national development, economic prosperity and a thriving information economy.
Bug Reporting: Users are typically encouraged to report any issues they encounter.
Feature Requests: Feedback on desired features or improvements can influence the final version.
Security: If DIGIPIN involves PINs or security, it might focus on secure PIN generation, management, or authentication.
If DIGIPIN is in its beta phase, it means it’s being tested by a limited audience to refine its features and identify bugs before the final release.
Digital Product or Service: DIGIPIN could be a digital tool, app, or service related to finance, security, communication, or productivity. For instance, it might be a PIN management system, a digital identity solution, or something similar.
The Department of Posts is advancing an initiative to establish a standardized, geo-coded addressing system in India, ensuring simplified addressing solutions for citizen-centric delivery of public and private services. The Department had collaborated with IIT Hyderabad for developing a National Level Addressing Grid-based addressing system, named as Digital Postal Index Number (DIGIPIN). This system will act as a strong and robust pillar of Geospatial Governance, leading to enhancements in public service delivery, faster emergency response and a significant boost to logistics efficiency.