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Discussion on Amendments in the MSMED Act 2006
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jul 05, 2024
अंतिम तिथि :
Aug 05, 2024
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
The Ministry of MSME is in the process of amending the MSMED Act, 2006. In this regard, this Ministry had consulted various central Ministries/Department/State Govt./Industry ...
Social Marketing Manegement ko join Kiya Jaie
Jai Hind 🙏
PFA submission for changes in MSME Act
since from independence,electro homeopathy system is not declared and recognized as a system of medicine under shush,several rounds of discussions completed for the past 70 years,I request governments speedy decision will help 10000 electro homeopathy doctors in India.
Jai Hind Jai Bharat
Permission should be given immediately to commercial MSMEs such as rental premises, exports, etc., which do not require environmental clearance.
Bringing cottage industries under MSME control is also noteworthy.
Government's CSC centers should help MSME from formation to implementation.
In this, the Central Government CSCs should provide integrated services such as license, GST number, permission from government departments, bank account opening, creation of website, logo and letterpad for the company.
Classes on value addition, branding, packing and internet marketing should be conducted compulsorily once a month in district industrial centers with private participation.
Help resolve issues related to intellectual property rights.
Provide office computer training, accounting training, tax related training for MSME.
District Industries Centers should prevent or control the transfer of manufacturing units by Government Public Sector Undertakings and Private Big Enterprises to other states.
MSMEs are shut down without work orders due to relocation of manufacturing units of large companies.
The best example is that parts of the manufacturing unit of BHEL plant located in Tiruchirappalli were moved to other states little by little causing MSMEs in Tiruchirappalli to suffer and shut down leaving thousands of youth jobless.
Shifting of production units to other states should be prevented.
There is no objection to starting the entire manufacturing unit in that state.
Why close those units here and take them to other states.
The permission of District Industries Centers should be made mandatory for relocation of manufacturing units
District Industries centers should stop functioning in name only. DIC should start getting necessary recommendations to make changes in functioning
MSMED act is a future oriented policy for all round development of msme sector.some changes has been necessary for it.my view is to clear cut defined msme sector for all over country.second a portal has been develop for registered all information about msme trader.
Third a inspection mechanism will be develop to inspect about what facility has been given to trader.fourth msme sector will be connect with global market .
MSMED act is a golden opportunity for development of all msme sector.some changes has been necessary according to time.my view is to a national policy has been framed for msme sector.second all service has been on online mode.third a feed back portal has been develop for know about response of trader.
Fourth a msme bank will be established for support financial service.
हमें विकसित भारत तो चाहिए परंतु बेरोजगार भारत नहीं चाहिए।
बेरोजगार भारत नहीं चाहिए
बेरोजगार भारत नहीं चाहिए
सभी सुनो, समझों और देखो, यहां क्या कहा है हमने
हमें विकसित भारत तो चाहिए परंतु बेरोजगार भारत नहीं चाहिए।
चाहे 2025..,2027,..2047...,2050 वर्ष हो
भविष्य में हमें विकसित भारत तो चाहिए परंतु बेरोजगार भारत नहीं चाहिए।