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Give Suggestions for Prime Minister's Speech for Independence Day 2018
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jul 30, 2018
अंतिम तिथि :
Aug 15, 2018
09:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Over the last few years, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has directly invited ideas and suggestions from citizens for Independence Day Speech. Similarly, this year too the Prime ...
dear pm, i would like to point your focus towards the studies in our colleges and universities. Youths complain that they don't get employed or are not able to start-up an enterprise but the real issue is regarding the skills we develop during our college life. I am a 4th year student in cipet. 3 years of my college life was actually wasted as no new skills were developed during this period. This is the case with most of students so please try to bring change in this. can't suggest as word limit
Dear Sir, requested to declare an all india helpline and account number for giving monetory donations for the welfare of families of defence/paramilitary and security forces allowing every citizen to contribute individually and maintain a database of martyrs/needy families of them and listing contributions of individuals to maintain transparency in contribution and distribution also so that every citizen can give some donation it will help them in a big way. we as a citizens will be indebted
Plastic-free India Independence Day would be the apt Speech for Independence Day 2018
Dear PM Sir, it is requested to make a law to take strong action against peoples spreading false rumours of the goodwork done by government and misleading the country in the name of freedom of expression. if it is not checked now, It will undo all the ongoing hardwork being done by government. all other parties are hell bent on damaging the countries reputation just to be in power at any cost. Its time to start sending the corrupt to jails by speeding up judiciary else gud work will b undone
Good Morning Sir, i am so delighted to see such hard working PM in my life. It wud be comaparable to intial days of PM of free india. i wud request you to simplify the process of Voter id card registration and making it simoler to add more voters for 2019..if possible now aadhar shud be allowed to be used for voting to allow genuine voting and ease for countrymens to cast their votes. discrepency in voter lists deprives many voters to vote everytime.
नमस्ते मोदी जी , अगर आप पुरानी पेंशन बहाल कर दें , तो बहुत अच्छा होगा , अन्यथा आप सभी सांसदों और विधायकों की पेंशन , वेतन और भत्ते बंद कर दे , तो भी बहुत अच्छा कार्य होगा , आपके द्वारा , मैं आपको यही सुझाव देता हूँ ।
जय हिंद
Is It India’s 71th Independence Day Or 72st? Media Outlets Are Divided But Here’s The Answer!
Whole country celebrated Independence Day 2017 complete unity. However, there was one thing that “divided” or say “confused” the people.
It was the count of Independence Day.
While a section of media claimed that it was 70th Independence Day, there were many who called it 71st. And when there is a confusion
Please Re-correct it Our PM
आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री जी आपको नमस्कार आपने अभीतक बहुत बढ़िया काम किया है। इसका लाभ लंबे समय तक आपको मिलता रहेगा। है कुछ मुद्दे है जिनके बारे बोलने से समस्या का हल निकल सकता है। देश मे सब गरबी और अमीर के बारे में सोचते है । गरीब को सरकार सब फ्री दे देती है और अमीर को सुविधा । रहा सवाल मध्यम वर्गी का वो हमेशा पिसता है ।टैक्स भी वो भरे ।काम भी वो करे । डराया भी इनको जाता है कानून के रूप में आप से ये चाहता हु की आप इस वर्ग की और भी ध्यान दे। इससे ये वर्ग। भी खुश हो सकेगा। मेरा दूसरा सुझाव ये
Our honourable prime minister please talk about improvement on hospital condition in our country and corruption appointed in lecture post this is very serious problem of our country
Hon. PM Modi Sir, Kudos to your hard work and commitment towards our nation building. Thank you for taking India to a new high. I would really be very happy if you address the issue of Population control. Maximum 2 childbirths per family should be allowed. Any family which does not obey this law and produce more than 2 children's, then those children's should be inducted in the Armed forces or Target Olympic Podium Scheme. The government should adopt these children's right from their birth.