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MyGov आइडिया बॉक्स
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Jul 15, 2019
अंतिम तिथि :
Dec 31, 2022
23:45 PM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
खुली चर्चा का एक ऐसा मंच जहाँ आप शासन और नीति-निर्माण के किसी भी विषय ...
पढाई के साल13 से 15 वर्ष होने चाहिए ताकी 18 से 20 साल की उम्र में विधार्थी डाॅक्टर ,इन्जीनियर ,नोकरी या बिझनेस कर सके, 22-23 साल की उम्र में शादी करके सेट हो सके।
गुरुकुल चालु करे ,आधुनिक पढाई के साथ ब्रम्हचर्य का महत्व,शस्त्र और शास्त्र, वेद,भगवतगीता, संस्कृत भाषा और हमारे प्राचीन भव्य इतिहास और संस्कृति पढाई जानी चाहिए।
हमे गुलाम बनाने के लिये मैकोले और मॅक्स मुलर ने संस्कृत ग्रंथों में छेडछाड कीया और सनातन में जातियां नही होती फिर भी हमे जातीयों में बांटा और गुलामी की शिक्षापद्धति को लागु करके हमे बर्बाद कर दिया।
आक्रांताओंने तक्षशिला, नालंदा, जैसे विश्र्व विद्यालयों ,लाखों गुरुकुल और हमारी संस्कृति और सांस्कृतिक धरोहर हजारों मंदिरों को नष्ट किया ,देश के कई तुकडे हुए और कभी भारत का हिस्सा अफगानिस्तान, पाकिस्तान और बांग्लादेश की आज क्या हालत हैं ? यह सब पढाया जाये।
सरकार सभी स्कूलों और कॉलेजों को आरएसएस , पतंजलि, ईस्कोन, हिन्दू मंदिरों को सोंप दे और अंबानी,अदानी,टाटा,महिन्द्रा जैसें उद्योगपतियों की सहायता ले ताकी पुरी पढाई मुफ्त हो या फिर बहुत ही कम फीस में हो।
Dear PM, There are millions of students who sit in SSC MTS exam.In MTS exam 2022 many SSC CGL students who already got selected in different departments also appeared in this exam.They will not join this job.So we want that a waiting list should be introduced so that the seat will not waste and the future of aspirants will be saved.
Thank you🙏
I will be waiting for your reply.
An open and free-flowing discussion forum offers a vibrant platform for individuals to share their valuable ideas and suggestions on various subjects of Governance and Policy-making, ultimately contributing to building a New India. In this inclusive space, citizens from diverse backgrounds can engage in constructive dialogue, fostering a collaborative approach to nation-building.
The forum's cornerstone lies in its openness, encouraging active participation from all stakeholders, including policymakers, experts, and the general public. By promoting transparency and accessibility, it ensures that the voices of all segments of society are heard and considered. In such a democratic exchange, innovative ideas and novel perspectives can emerge, enriching the decision-making process and leading to more inclusive policies.
Feeling happy to join the beginning of most impactful Silicon journey under the guidance of our visionary Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
Our government constitution is a rule book , in which many rules are written All rules are followed strictly by people of India but all over the rules there are many people who don't follow the rules. And also some people are like that who don't know About their all rule . When people know the rules then they follow in the path of right. They even Don't know about the rules. Government should something do for the people who don't know about their constitution. There are many people who illiterate. Government should also do for those people who are illiterate. And in this time many girls are raped. Government people have give the justice for the girls who are raped
Respected Honourable Prime Minister and MyGov team,
Promoting and giving more importance to agriculture in India is crucial for the well-being of farmers and the overall growth of the nation. Here are some ideas to achieve this:
1. Interest-Free and Stress-Free Farmer Funds
2. Transparent Monitoring and Oversight
3. Social Security for Farmer's Families
4. National Duty Assignment for Agriculture
5. Encourage Entrepreneurial Investment
6. Promote Agri-Entrepreneurship
7. Maximizing Land Utilization
8. Urban Farming Initiatives
9. Subsidized Machinery and Tools
10. Research and Development
11. Market Access and Fair Pricing
12. Agriculture Education and Training
13. Climate Resilience.
14. Water Management
The detail idea has been attached as pdf.
Thanking You
Yours faithfully,
Saisidhartha Jena
Class - IX
Labanagiri Govt . High School
My suggestion is government should introduce a law so that to get anything free like free water free electricity or free anything that person who is getting free should have filed income tax return ( except minors where their parents should have filed income tax returns). This will expand tax base as well force those agriculturists to file income tax returns and prevent leakage of revenue.
Yesterday, a five year old girl child was abducted, brutally raped and murdered in Kerala. Though there was enough time for the Police to find out the child, they could not.
There is a Mobile App by name AMBER in USA. AMBER stands for America's Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response and was created as a legacy to 9-year old Amber Hagerman, who was kidnapped while riding her bicycle in Arlington, Texas, and then brutally murdered. It is a simple mobile app used by the police control room in USA and Canada when someone is missing especially kids. In case of any such incident, everyone in that area will get a mobile alert with high beep sound to alert the community.
Request your good self to do the needful to create such an APP to save our children.
Thanks & Regards, Shiby PK
Remove or change all laws that are pre-independence- Today in our constitution there are many laws that the Britishers use and we also follow them without any change, we need to change or remove those laws because the rules made by the Britishers are not for democracy, was for slave ruling nature. Our current police system and many more system is also working on the regulations that are coming by Britishers and we all know at that time what was the role of the police at that time. If we at present after 75 years of independence follow the same rules and regulations for the police system then how is it possible that we make this police system for maintaining peace, rules, and regulation? and also for the friendly nature of the citizens of India.
So it is very necessary that either we reconstruct ( to solve the current challenge) those rules according to the current requirement or remove them and introduce a new rule for such a system like police, education,administration.