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Panaji Smart City – Fast Track Mode
![Panaji Smart City – Fast Track Mode Panaji Smart City – Fast Track Mode](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/styles/group/public/mygov_14579383229017401.jpg)
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Mar 14, 2016
अंतिम तिथि :
Apr 01, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
The Government of India had launched its flagship programme, the Smart Cities Mission encouraging cities to compete and participate in the Smart Cities Challenge which was ...
Panaji Smart City – Fast Track Mode
Public transport system should be encouraged with improved facilites. Dedicated parking areas/zones around the city can be planned for the private vehicles and their entry into the cites should be restricted so as to prevent traffic congestion and public transport facilty should be used.
Garbage Disposal is Non-Existent in Goa. Cities that generate Garbage must dispose off the garbage within their city limits by having a Garbage Disposal Plant with zero pollution and one which generates power and fertilizer from the waste.
Successive governments in Goa has failed to initiate a single truly effective and functional Garbage Disposal Plant in Goa and the existing setup is simply corrupt without any foresight. Centre should handle this issue, just like Defence or put under CPWD.
My Name is Shahid Afridi. I read in +1 standred in govt school jalandhar city. (THOUGHT) I could never find a friend more dear than you. Thank you
City municipal council should have a software to analyse the ratio of population in city verses the resources avialable, this ratio should be maintained and no new residential or comercial construction should be allowed unless the measures to maintain this ratio has been taken in advance.
All cities should have dedicated waste water treatment plant, the treated water should be then directed to all garden whole over city through pipelines and drip system, the drip system should have a tanks which is to be refilled everyday through a pump connected to treated water, the pump should be programmed to switch on and off at regular intervals and human intervention should be minimum or null.
In India, we do not analyze the consequences of one action over other, in many cities we have put pavement or concrete all over in the attempt to make city look beautiful and clean, but by doing this we are blocking the way of water going into the earth there by creating two problems, in rainy season it flood a lot and in summer scarcity of water as the ground water level was never refilled, hope this will be taken care while developing all cities.........
Dear Respected Prime Ministerji, Shri Narendra Modiji,
Salutations to the first practical Prime Minister of my India.
I am proud to be an Indian, with more than 15 years abroad.
I want to contribute to the development of my country.
Sir I am a civil engr with 30 yrs of experience in varied fields abroad, and specialize in the water industry. I would be obliged if given a chance.
Thanking you
Thomas Rodrigues
Respected Prime Minister of India,
In Mann ki Baat dated 28-02-2016 very good advice given to the students. Congratulations! In 27th March 2016 your Mann ki baat programme is very impressive. Kindly advices some tips for senior citizen of India also who are not getting any financial help but want to have respectable life.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
IMO, first we need to understand what's SMART city, coz it sounds as if we are building a hi-tech city as showcased in movies, but eventually what we are trying to do is, build a city with accessibility for everyone, safety, and liveable for all (less pollutants) with some lullbalies. We need to re-think our development based on eco-friendly infra: A closed city fast public n/w and external multi level parkings with CCTV and continuous monitoring.