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People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 21, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Feb 06, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
In order to infuse more transparency into budget making exercise and to have people as partners to the process of budget making, Ministry of Finance has decided to invite ...
Govt must start procuring generic medicine from genuine manufacturers.
Also start procurement system for medical appliances and parts like stein, knee joints, etc. Procurement must be from manufacturers only and supply it to govt hospitals.
The procurement process will surely bring down the prices.
This would be useful for everyone and am sure will bring ‘Acche Din’ for majority of population.
Please see attached for details.
Innovations & Startups:
We have around 7-8 different national innovation functions organized by various state governments and center government departments. Almost 500 to 600 awardees appreciated every year. But in overall I don’t see the real transformation is happening to these innovations. Very less innovations are turning to market & whoever started a business the products are not reaching to individuals. With minimal investment govt can make huge difference.
Please see attached
my dear modiji i have one more idea to make your dream of housing for all come true fast at least in urban areas.a law can be passed during budget session that if any building is built by a builder then 10% of the houses in that building should be given free of charge to the slum dwellers of the that particular taluka through a lottery system
i have a suggestion by which the finance minister can reduce inflation.dear modiji u can reduce inflation by taking steps to implement direct transfer of essential items to common people like vegetable,oil etc
भारत के प्रधान सेवक को मेरा प्रणाम मोदी जी मेरा इस बजट में यह सुझाव ह की ये बजट किसानो के लिये होना चाहिए हालांकि हमारी सरकार किसानो के लिए अच्छे कदम उठा रही ह परन्तु या तो वे जनता तक पहुंच नही पाये ह या उनका पर प्रचार में कमी ह।काँग्रेस ने किसानो को उठाने के लिए कुछ नही किया पर हो-हला ज्यादा किया। मेरी आप से यहीँ प्रार्थना ह की इस बजट में लोकलुभावनि घोसणा करे क्योकि हमारा देश ऐसी नीतियों में विस्वास ज्यादा करता ह बजाए वास्तविक विकास के।आपका सुभचितक नवीन कुमार संघ कार्यकर्ता ।
To reduce paper work and man power, TDS return filing should be made yearly instead of quarterly.
It will be in the direction of simplification of tax administration
There should be incentives for tax payers .Tax payer should feel proud for paying Tax.
One of them may be Group Medi-claim Policy for Tax payers , having slab wise sum insured depending upon income or income tax paid during the year.
The premium would be paid by the Government.
The policy should continue in the year also in which tax payer have no income with some conditions.
It will also serve social security system.
1. Raise tax free limit up to 8.0lac in income tax.
2. Withdraw all tax exemption same as foreign income tax system like HRA, insurance etc. it will decrease the corruption.
Stop Raising funds by selling Govt PSUs, instead realize arrear taxes.
In case of I Tax the employees are tread as "brids of cage" while business world escape making collussion. Take real steps to stop leakage of I Taxx.
Provide main Food Grains at subsidezed prices to all Indians.
Withdraw huge tax from fuel.