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People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget
![People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/styles/group/public/mygov_1451459458190667.jpg)
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 21, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Feb 06, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
In order to infuse more transparency into budget making exercise and to have people as partners to the process of budget making, Ministry of Finance has decided to invite ...
According to me:-
1.The budget should insure the more saving to an individual.
2.Area of education should given more fund.
3.Manufacturing should be increased so that more job get created.
4.Defense Budget should be allocated more than the existing and it should be 3% of GDP. So that the soldier should have good equipment and better military hardware.
5.Tax deduction for an individual should be raise from 2.5 Lac to 3.5 Lac.
1. Fund o NITI Aayog for carryout a exercise to grade all districts of India for their growth by creating a "District development Index" and then deploy fund/ Schemes priority wise for lower development index districts.
This time budget should focus mainly on empowering agriculture sector as because it employs 49% of india and farmer's economical condition is not good
Dear Sir I have given my view on the issue of rly hawkers who are selling and doing some business at the stn and in the running railway but they are not authorised and recognised by the rly.
1. Funds for creation of workshops in all districts like that exists in polytechnics & engineering colleges so that under skill India High school students/senior secondry school could develop skill for self employment .All schools of the district can use such workshop of the districts.
No more money to Air India. Use it for better schools, hospitals or police - that is the primary duty of the Government. Running an airline that benefits a few elite is not how I would like to spend my tax money
1.A fixed fund for development of existing biosphere forest in India as human activities are increasing very fast within the biosphere.
2. More fund to railway to complete all on going projects of gauge conversions,Electrifications.
4. A fund for financial supports to those industries which jointly want to develop effluent treatment plants so that they could release treated water in rivers.
1.The first step to "skill India" is through "Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan" therefore SSA should be given increased fund so that more metric pass people could be there to use skill India Programme.
2.More fund for tube wells for rural India Schools as water permanent source is must for sanitation and Drinking Water.
3.Pension scheme for those who are above 40 years.
Dear Narendra Modi sir,
please give concessions for the student education loans because after completing their courses,so many years they involve themselves in paying the education.so most of the earning amount go the loan interest payment and not to taking care of their families,And moreover many graduates will not get the job soon after the complete their courses and then it will burden on their family.so please give some concession on education loans based on the income of the families.
Govt should took BCCI (cricket), this fund may use development works. In BCCI money is misused.