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People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget
![People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/styles/group/public/mygov_1451459458190667.jpg)
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 21, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Feb 06, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
In order to infuse more transparency into budget making exercise and to have people as partners to the process of budget making, Ministry of Finance has decided to invite ...
Universal Health(mediclaim) Insurance is the need of india today atleat for the 1-2 lakh.....
Every employee pay Income tax min. 100 per month who not pay any income tax because it used for poor family. In india a difference between poor family & upper family is very large so manage a tax system on non-tax payee employee.
पीतल और कांसे के घरेलू बर्तनों पीआर कर घटाया जाये , जिससे ये फिर से प्रचलन मे आ सकें ।
हर भारतीय नागरिक को पेन्सन की सुविधा का प्रावधान हो ।
Many occupation works on tax free items and they earn money in large scale. If they pay tax 1 to 5 % for government improvement than no objection made because they earns money behalf on sales of goods tax free. So impose tax on tax free items i.e. building construction items, agriculture equipment etc because end user pay money as per requirement.
Dear Prime Minister
sir,one of the Prime concern of a Government employee is related to savings.Now when the old GPF scheme is removed ,the new generation of employees working in a Government organisation or PSU are filling unsafe about their future.I am working in BSNL and my saving is limited up to only 12% of my total wages of a month contributed towards EPF. Kindly enhance the limit for Employees share i.e. they should be allowed to contribute more than 12% of wages/month .
Dear sir we are working on all fields but not on manufacturing civil aircrafts recently sukhoi has entered into this field third only after Boeing and Airbus if we can look into this field we can generate business as we have done in aerospace
Modiji believes that removing corruption from the top will propel India into the big league.True but only partly.Where is the strength directing PSU banks to reduce interest rates,where is the signal to reduce labour laws in two years,where is govt staff salaries curtailed,or pensions ?today entire india 120 crores pay their taxes dutifully every month so that less than 50 lakh govt servants can live comfortably as 67 percent of annual tax earnings are spent on them.
In the upcoming Finance Budget please introduce a Lower Tax Rate say 1% or 5% instead of increasing the Tax Slab from 250000 to upper side.
In our India a huge number of people are employed in unorganised sector or in private companies where they are not getting any structural pay system and for them Income Tax Return is a single source of proving their income.
If the Basic slab would be increased then no Banks or Financial Institutions will entertain such lender having tax free income.
It is a humble request from Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji and Union Budget Committee to increase tax exemption limit to 4 lacks. Middle class salaried employees who are taking care of their families cannot afford to pay huge amount of tax since they have additional responsibilities on them. Also request the government to change tax slab and increase the limits. With increasing inflation it is difficult for middle class salaried employees to save adequate amount of money for critical time.