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People as Partners: Suggestions invited for the Budget
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 21, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Feb 06, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
In order to infuse more transparency into budget making exercise and to have people as partners to the process of budget making, Ministry of Finance has decided to invite ...
#Budget #UnionBudget #MyGov Please increase DRDO budget and especially safety and GPS equipment for soldiers. Special priority to active battlefield territory of Siachen would be a good way to go. Spending less on horticulture areas and instead giving direct access to consumers for farmers and growers would also be a good option. Regulation and sale of Bhang pan-India can improve revenue as well as cut down illegal the market that is headed by foreigners. Must make use of this natural resource.
Res PM,
manytimes a country is measured with happiness index ie how much citizens of the country are happy
there is a psychological satisfactory effect associated with watching films in theaters. average life of a film is about 3-4 weeks in India(i guess so)
if you make every film tax free after 3-4 weeks it can become a great step to make India happy . it will also fetch business for theater dependent businesses and promote film industry.
i am sure it will not hamper revenue.
Food Corporation Of India:
In 2013-14 procurement and distribution cost of wheat was about Rs 700/Quintal and for Rice it was Rs 800/Quintal. Rs 40000 Crore of losses due to lack of proper storage. Rs 80000 Crore of burden due to over stock Spending nearly about Rs 2 lack Crore (almost 10% of the entire Union Budget)
Farmers get only Rs 1500/q and consumer paying Rs 2500/q
Suggestions inside attached.
We the salaried class pay the taxes honestly without any murmur as the TAx is deducted at Source . In addition we also end up paying Service Tax for various services right from Paying electricity bills to Post paid Telephone bills. What ever savings we keep in Fixed Deposits also attracts TDS . Please see to that Income Tax bracket must start at 10 lakhs and above and any tax paid to Government of India in any form be deducted from the final tax payable . TAx compliance possible
As said my Modiji, “Less government and Maximum Governance”, government should award few islands and light houses for development to private players instead of doing itself. Also hand over around 20 to 30 historical places on Pilot basis where destruction to the actual site is more than 50%. These important monuments have historical value and so are under archaeological department. We have seen from last 200 to 250 years no one is caring.
More details in attached.
इतिहास गवाह है कि टैक्स पर टैक्स लगाकर कोई भी सरकार अमीर नहीं हुई है बल्कि जनता में अलोकप्रिय जरूर हो गयी है। इसलिए सरकार को अन्य विकल्पों पर अधिक गौर करना चाहिए।
20.47 Crore Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana(PMJDY) have been opened. Budget should initiate measures to keep these accounts operative. A lot of exploitation has been happening in the Labour Intensive Industries like construction,infrastructure etc. There is no system presently available to supervise whether the Labourers who are the back borne of the Infrastructure is being paid Wages as stipulated under the Minimum wages Act. ALL Payments to Labourers have to be Mandatory through PMJDY a/c
Dear Sir, Our Country's Safety & Security is most important than bullet trains,Smart cities etc. At first please allocate large fund for the protection of our border areas. As we know our Indo-Bangla Border covering West Bengal,Assam,Tripura etc. is highly sensitive for Illegal Cattle Smuggling, Fake Currency Notes,Criminals,Illegal Migration & trafficking.Without the proper border fencing & security how can we dream Smart Cities,Bullet Trains in India.
Dear FM, I think its high time atleast your govt realises and come to the rescue of the differently able people.I am sure you will agree that the concession given to them is hardly substantial considering the amount they need to spend inorder to faciliate themselves to their place of work etc. It will be very kind if you could increase the relaxation amount under 80U from 1.25 lacs to about 5 lacs so as to enable them to save some amount once they become totlly immobile.
Closed the MDM in schools and anganbari program from country because these programs are useless i.e. private schools have more students in compare of govt schools, all poor family students goes in private schools so what need of mid day meal program. students in govt school and teachers busy to prepare or eat the mdm, so closed this program and the cost of MDM transfer to students bank accounts or his/her parents bank account thus for anganbari program so students lean some and teacher teachsome