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Satna Smart City Proposal Round - 2
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
May 13, 2016
अंतिम तिथि :
Jun 26, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Satna is one of the leading industrial cities in the heart of central India, Madhya Pradesh. Also referred as a Cement City, Satna contributes about 8 to 9 percent of India's total ...
For environment and healthy life style along with aesthetic significance of the city beautification and maintenance is necessary. Planting trees, maintaining parks, better sewage systems etc are necessary
There must be a central library in the city that will help people to increase their wisdom and grooming their literary skills. Also students will inculcate the habit of reading in their free time.
A cultural building, other than town hall, must be built in the city that will hold all the cultural activities that are regular nowadays in the city like theater, drama, speeches, debate, film making etc.
More NGOs can be initiated in the city as they are helpful in regions where government policies are not reachable. Better and functional NGOs in field of women empowerment, child education, prevent of atrocities of children and women, employment, conservation etc.
Competition for enhancing talent must be conducted by cities and winners must be praised
For environment and healthy life style along with aesthetic significance of the city beautification and maintenance is necessary. Planting trees, maintaining parks, better sewage systems etc are necessary
There must be a central library in the city that will help people to increase their wisdom and grooming their literary skills. Also students will inculcate the habit of reading in their free time.
A cultural building, other than town hall, must be built in the city that will hold all the cultural activities that are regular nowadays in the city like theater, drama, speeches, debate, film making etc.
More NGOs can be initiated in the city as they are helpful in regions where government policies are not reachable. Better and functional NGOs in field of women empowerment, child education, prevent of atrocities of children and women, employment, conservation etc.
1.2030 से यूरोपीय देशो में डीजल एवं पेट्रोल से चलने वाली गाडियो पर प्रदुषण के कारन पूरी तरह प्रतिबन्ध लगने वाला है तो भारत में सतना ऐसा पहला स्मार्ट शहर बने जो 2030 तक में E-RIKSHA, E-TAXI ,E-AUTO,E-BUS एवं E-CAR ही चले । इलेक्ट्रिक वाहन को ज्यादा से ज्यादा प्रोत्साहन दिया जाए जिससे भविष्य में प्रदुषण की समस्या से सतना वासियो को मुक्ति मिले। इसके लिए शरह में हर 2KM पे सोलर से चलने वाला Smart Charging station बनाया जाए ।