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Satna Smart City Proposal Round - 2
![Satna Smart City Proposal Round - 2 Satna Smart City Proposal Round - 2](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/styles/group/public/mygov_1463131509190667.jpg)
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
May 13, 2016
अंतिम तिथि :
Jun 26, 2016
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Satna is one of the leading industrial cities in the heart of central India, Madhya Pradesh. Also referred as a Cement City, Satna contributes about 8 to 9 percent of India's total ...
Satna me sarwpratham rojgar dilana chahiye
Satna ki nadiyo ki safai kari jaye
There must be a central library in the city that will help people to increase their wisdom and grooming their literary skills. Also students will inculcate the habit of reading in their free time
There must be a central library in the city that will help people to increase their wisdom and grooming their literary skills. Also students will inculcate the habit of reading in their free time
Re-start Integrated Parking Management System, Intelligent Traffic Management System, Digitized Door 2 Door Waste Management System, 24 Hour Water Supply, Pre paid Electricity Meters etc.
Wandering animals on the road must b banned and removal of slum houses should happen
Satna ko smart city banana ke liye owar brij ko sarkit hosus se civil line tak lana chahiye
Satna me relway trak mukhatragaj me overbrij banaya jaye
Satna me varsa ritu ke samay jo pani girata use rok kar pani daim banana chahiye
Aur gushkhori me rok lagana chhiye
सतना नदी पे हर 1 किलोमीटर पे बांध बनाया जाये जिससे बारिश के जल को अधिक मात्रा में रोका जा सके।
reduce pollutions
There must be a central library in the city that will help people to increase their wisdom and grooming their literary skills. Also students will inculcate the habit of reading in their free time
Re-start Integrated Parking Management System, Intelligent Traffic Management System, Digitized Door 2 Door Waste Management System, 24 Hour Water Supply, Pre paid Electricity Meters etc.
Wandering animals on the road must b banned and removal of slum houses should happen
Satna ko smart city banana ke liye owar brij ko sarkit hosus se civil line tak lana chahiye