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Smart City Amritsar

आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Oct 05, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Nov 16, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Amritsar - ‘The Holy City of India’ has been selected among 3 cities for implementing Smart City project in Punjab and is gaining momentum to get shortlisted in the final round ...
1. Entry points Amritsar should be made beautiful and attractive so that people get thier first impression as the best . Main entry points from doburji , verka , ajnala etc.
2. Garbage has to be lifted from railway tracks. When the train is entering Amritsar station ,most of the people look outside windows as train is coming to stop and it gives a poor sight .
3. Lack of tourist Attractions : We need to have some more sight seeing places for tourists as mostly a trip to asr ends in 1.5 to 2 days . Provide tourist some places beyond cultural or religious importance eg.lake resorts , childrens fun park
4. Amritsar has to be thought of a city beyond religious or Heritage importance . It has to be made an economy centre in northern India. Encourage private companies , corporates ,Multinational IT companies to setup offices here .City can progress i
5. Optimum usage of space on roads . Lot of space on sides which is unconstructed or blocked by parking , vendor , construction materails etc has to be effectively utilised .
6. Enforcement officials have to be very active and strict . impose heavy fines on people blocking roads with illegally parked vehcile, putting construction materail on streets etc.
7. Effective drainage system, rain water harvesting etc.
8. Once a road is constructed , it should not be dug up by any other department . A notice should be issues to all departments before construction , incase they have some work planned and they need to dig up the road .
9. upgrade Gandhi ground to a world class Staduim . Punjabis are known for thier fitness , encourage all sports . Provide infrastructure.
10. People awareness methods , strict law enforcement authorities.
1. Entry points Amritsar should be made beautiful and attractive so that people get thier first impression as the best . Main entry points from doburji , verka , ajnala etc.
2. Garbage has to be lifted from railway tracks. When the train is entering Amritsar station ,most of the people look outside windows as train is coming to stop and it gives a poor sight .
Pollution should be controlled as it effect the health
Wastage of Electricity power should be controlled and it should be used for betterment of the city and nation
Excess use of pesticided on crops should be controlled as it harms the health
Astray cattles should be removed from roads to avoid accidents