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Smart City Gandhinagar
![Smart City Gandhinagar Smart City Gandhinagar](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/styles/group/public/mygov_1443439837190667.jpg)
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 28, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Dec 01, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Gandhinagar has been shortlisted as one of the hundred cities by Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) to participate in the Smart City Challenge. Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation ...
Every building should be safe from fire. Response time is 3 minuits so we should vigoursly try to observe this. There should be reserved plots for fire stations. we should follow the guidelines of state fire advisory council of central government. fire services should be strengthn and effective.
Service Road parallel to "GH" Road and Road No. 3 and 2.
Parking facility for Ricksaw and Four Wheeler At main Junction like "GH5", "GH3", "GH0".
Unused Govt. Land should be used for Comercial and residential Purposess, It shouuld be used in vertical Fashion, Ground floor and First Floor for commercial Facility and Above that for Residential Facilty.
This is Dr Harshe. Attaching herewith PDF file of my few suggestions for gandhinagar
there is a menace of stray animals like cows, buffaloes, donkeys, dogs and monkeys in our city.this should be tackled as soon as possible.these animals cause create a lot of pollution and cause/liable to cause injury to the citizens.
secondly,there should be specific areas for parking of vehicles near shopping centres and schools. many times we find vehicles parked haphazardly in such places causing inconvenience to people by obstructing the traffic.
inter-sector transport should be improved.
make a clean city
make service road at road no 3 & GH road sector 7c opposite s.t depot,where clinics & hospitals are more,so create facility for the patient to reach hospitals easily.
First of clear the unauthorised construction in all sectors.please provide proper space for them.and strictly follow.and animals like cow n buffalloes r on the road many times .solve first.there r many buildings which has no parking facilities so there is isue of traffic .every sector has dustbin but timely not clean all the rubish .and the corporator never visit any area at least for swachhchata mission
Smart traffic system, automatic traffic signal & better public transport facility.
smart railway station. all train going in gandhinagar city.