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Smart City Jalandhar

आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Oct 08, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Nov 16, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
The City of “Jalandhar”, prominent Sports & Light Engineering manufacturing goods Hub of Asia in the State of Punjab, has been selected as one of the Smart Cities under the ...
I would like to draw your attention to urgent need to reform the current municipal system. Under the current system corruption is rampant, and the welfare schemes are abused by corrupt politicians and officials. There is poor planning and even poorer implementation of rules and regulations. I request your good offices to take urgent attention of rampant corruption, official apathy at municipal level to improve the working condition of Indian citizens. Jai Hind
The seriousness of the state of Swachhta or cleanliness should not be lost on anybody. It must start from the entry points to the City. For instance when one enters JALANDHAR CITY from Pathankot nye-pass towards Doaba Chowk, there is only one garbage dumping spot. and, that too is not regularly cleared regularly. And, then, towards Kishan Pura Chowk, there is again only one garbage dumping spot which again is not regularly cleared. THIS SITUATION IS GOING ON FOR YEARS. REMEDY ON PRIORITY IS MUST
we are want to hayer education in bilaspur, like IIM , IIT and MEDICALCOLLAG ,
--Well connected TRAMS,Online Complaint system on potholes etc and corruption .
--Publishing of results of complaints and action taken
--Central Communication System for City level important news.
--Dedicated Area for slums
--Every Govt related work should be possible via phone or internet.
Sanitation or Cleanliness, whatever one may like to say, is the core area of activity to ensure healthy and happy life to the citizens. This must have been in the mind of the Hon'ble Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, when he gave a call for 'Swachh Bharat' or Clean India, a year back. THIS CALL HAS WORKED TO BRING OUT CHANGE IN MIND-SET OF MANY AN INDIAN. ONE MUST NOT BE ASTONISHED TO FIND IT HAPPENING IN THE MINDS OF YOUTH AND CHILDREN. AS PART OF SCP IN JALANDHAR WE MUST BRING FORTH THIS ISSUE.
Stop Day dreaming about major projects of smart city. First maintain the roads of the city that are in very poor condition. Poor roads are responsible for slip disc and many other health problems & early wear & tear of vehicles. Large deep potholes r responsible for daily mishaps. Poor garbage lifting & stray animals are also to be look after. Traffic Jams should be managed properly. Blocking of roads for religious functions should be look after.
I suggest for crossing roads cross over bridges are must in the city at some place as they are more safe.,elevated roads.and proper parking spaces and bringing every database online should be the major priorities of the SCP.
1.Garbage scattered around the city should cleaned and disposed off properly.
2. Stray animals should be taken care off
3. Solid waste management
4.Dustbins should be kept all over the city.
5 Heavy fine to people littering around the city
Here is a glaring & speaking example of an ordinary citizen's views being accorded least consideration by the MCJ. I have been posting comments on MyGov.in on the sanitary conditions in JALANDHAR CITY as also Skill Centres with special need for Sports Goods Industry. NO SELF-DRUM BEATING. THE CONTENTS OF MY ACCOUNT ON MyGov.in since its very inception would vouch for what I say. IT IS SATISFYING THAT AT LEAST NOW ALL THESE POINTS FORM PART OF SMART CITY PLAN (SCP).
hume bhopal ko smart bannae ke liye electricity jobs and clean bhopal banana hoga