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Smart City Lucknow

आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 29, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Dec 05, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Lucknow is the capital city of the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. A major metropolitan city of India. It is the second largest city in north and central India after Delhi. Lucknow ...
policemen ko hi-tech technolgy ke weapon dene chiya
Lucknow's sewer and drainage system has to be completely overhauled because it was built during Britishers' time. Although a lot of work has been done, most of it has been of sub standard quality as a result of which sewers get blocked and overflow frequently. The work should not be done for the sake of formality but should be of world class standards. Experts from foreign countries can work with experts for India to design modern drainage systems for Lucknow.
cleanliness is the most crucial part of a smart residence.
So along with promoting cleanliness curriculum I would like the authority to rectify the roads. I mean the permanent jobs not the patches ones found everywhere nowdays that break down again after few weeks. The reason is simple: WE THINK MORE THAN TWICE BEFORE THROWING THE ANY GARBAGE ON ROADS LIKE THE ONES FOUND IN GOMTI NAGAR.BEACAUSE WE THINK NOT TO RUIN CLEAN ROADS SINCE THEY ARE A RARE SIGHT. THEREFORE NEW HEAVY DUTY ROADS.
sabhi government and pvt. sector me jo houses bana hai usme changing hone chiya.
1.The law and order condition of the state should be improved by either recruiting more able policemen or by installing and maintaining the CCTV cameras .
2. Sewage treatment plant should be set up on the gomti
A Smart city cannot exist without every home being connected to high speed fiber broadband network. Invite PSUs and private players to lay down fiber broadband lines on a very large scale which will bring its costs down. Most smart cities around the world have a minimum of 10 Mbps connectivity.
goverment kosabhi emergency seva ka liya adhik se adhik help karni chiya
the smart city is one that has to be efficent in all terms thus maintaing sustainable development
1)setting up free gyms with power cycles and that power can be used for lightning purposes thus maintaing free health and free electricity
2)home automation reducing wastage of electricity
3)we can have smart street lights for saving up a lot of electricity
4)most of all we can use sink water for toilet flushing
here are pics for these concepts but making a smart city starts with us...:D
Fire department should be modernized with new equipment and buildings must be checked for preparedness for fire related accidents. More inspectors can be recruited for this purpose. In older city areas there are small congested lanes which are very prone to fire and accidents during earthquakes. The electrical wiring should be completely renewed so that accidents are prevented.
municipal corportation and LDA or sabhi sanastha ko city ko smart banana me kafi help karna chiya.