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Smart City Lucknow

आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 29, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Dec 05, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Lucknow is the capital city of the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. A major metropolitan city of India. It is the second largest city in north and central India after Delhi. Lucknow ...
Corrution should be banned
In my veiw ,I would like to suggest that the traffic sense of each and every citizen (Urban and Rural)has to be aware.Strictly follow the Traffic rules.
Mayfair cinema hall should be reopen .Govt must support to reopen it since once it was one of the best hall to represent Lucknow tahzeeeb and every Lucknow residents miss it
Parking area should be increase make lucknow rush free
I am living in aliganj in mehndi tola locality.There is no sewage system is available in this locality.
First and main important thing in lucknow is to improve the traffic sense.
Second all public places should be neat and clean.
There should be a proper drainage system .
Government must ban on paan masala and tobacco.
Politics of change the name of any building or monuments shoud be stopped once for all. Otherwise we will forget the history and also just by changing the name we can not change the history or our fate.
All streets lights should be changed to SOLAR STREETS
LIGHTS with auto-sensing technology which will will save
A fitness hub should be made by the government to promote
All major parks like jeneshwar mishr park,eco
garden,kanshi ram smarak etc should have a cycling tracks
All roads should be well build with PLANTATION OF TRESS
Hi I am shambhavi Srivastava,Studying in Loreto Convent Lucknow in Class 1st A,We should keep our CITY Clean,we have to always use dustbin for throwing any used things,We have to kept our school clean,We have to never write any things on any wall of any building.
Lucknow should be encroachment free. Street vendors should be on footpaths and not on roads. City should be connected with WIFI round the clock. Drainage improvement to be done so that no waterlogging during monsoons. Garbage disposal boxes should be placed at every 200 meters nearside road. Provisions for following traffic lights should be strict. Vehicles should not be parked outside houses/shops.