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Smart City New Town, Kolkata

Smart City New Town, Kolkata
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 28, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Dec 05, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
प्रस्तुतियाँ समाप्त हो चुके

New Town, Kolkata has been declared as a potential Smart City under the Smart Cities Mission, Government of India. To participate in Round-2 of the challenge of the smart city ...

New Town, Kolkata has been declared as a potential Smart City under the Smart Cities Mission, Government of India. To participate in Round-2 of the challenge of the smart city contest, a Smart City Proposal will be prepared after taking into consideration aspirations, visions, goals and smart solutions (low cost smart solutions, technology based smart solutions etc.) communicated by the citizens of New Town, Kolkata to make it a better place to live. For further details on Smart Cities Mission, citizens may visit the concerned website of Government of India i.e. smartcities.gov.in

Suggestions may be made in one or more fields. Some illustrations of fields are mentioned below:

1. Citizen participation,
2. Identity and culture,
3. Economy and employment,
4. Education,
5. Health,
6. Mixed Land use,
7. Compactness,
8. Open spaces,
9. Housing and inclusiveness,
10. Transportation and Mobility,
11. Walkability,
12. IT connectivity,
13. Intelligent Government Services,
14. Energy Supply,
15. Energy Source,
16. Water Supply,
17. Waste Water Management,
18. Water Quality,
19. Air Quality,
20. Energy efficiency,
21. Underground Electric wiring,
22. Sanitation,
23. Waste Management,
24. Safety,
25. Disaster Management

फिर से कायम कर देना
495 सबमिशन दिखा रहा है
Dipen Debnath
Dipen Debnath 9 साल 2 महीने पहले

Dear All,

I have gone through below comments and there are many important points and involvement areas.
I have tried to cover all and please find my below inputs as per as the given areas....

The Smart city means a perfect socioeconomic infrastructure for everyone, a complete IT & communication system where everything should be in its right place.

Please find my attached document for your reference....

Nirupam Layek 9 साल 2 महीने पहले

Whatever Govt is building, it should have a strong monitoring body to maintain the same quality at which is getting built. Otherwise, in India there is a common tendency that after 5-10 year down the line of any project completion, that become messy like footpath are blocked by hockers, sanitary system gets nonfunctional, etc. and ultimately the quality of the area goes down. There should be a solid plan from the beginning to prevent it.

Jagannath Mohapatra_1
Jagannath Mohapatra_1 9 साल 2 महीने पहले

This is a remarkable and appreciable initiate taken by the govt. For a City to be Smart at least the basic facilities need to be in place, the top priorities:
1. Water - the water quality is very poor
2. Safe road for pedestrians
3. Cleanliness
4. Traffic - in mess, to start at least there should be designated bus stops, zero tolerance to traffic violation
5. Trees - Contrary to Salt Lake it looks like a concrete jungle, more greenery reqd
6. Severe air pollution
7. Stray animal-free