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Smart City Port Blair
![Smart City Port Blair Smart City Port Blair](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/styles/group/public/mygov_1445234119190667.jpg)
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Oct 19, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Nov 01, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Andaman and Nicobar Islands Union Territory is one of the two island territories of the Republic of India. The Island territory holds great significance due to its natural beauty ...
I would like to register that waste things i.e chocolate rappers, bus tickets, paper wastes, food wastes or any wastes, must be thrown only in dustbin and strictly not in road side or street. This practise should be followed by each and every citizen in order to make our city always clean. All Children's in schools should learn and follow this activity and they will automatically educate to their parents thus it spreads in society.
Ensure that each and every child is healthy. Rule out ailments at physical level,psychological level,intellectual level,Rule out learning disability in under achiever
Take professional help from experts - Doctors and Councillors
Make meditation compulsory in school.
feedback received from Vivek kumar verma, Student Age-18, R/o #475, ph-1, BDC, Sector 26, PKL.
ph. no. 8872241387
do you agree with the vision of Smart City CHD- Yes
Suggestion-should be well connected and intelligent.
feedback received from Laxman Singh, Student Age-17, R/o #253, drirja Mkt,Dhanas
ph. no. 7837806928
do you agree with the vision of Smart City CHD- Yes
Suggestion-there should be no poor and make more clubs for fun.
feedback received from Puneet Sharma, Student Age-17, R/o #615, vill. dariya, CHD
ph. no. 8725935552
do you agree with the vision of Smart City CHD- Yes
Suggestion-there should be no poor and many club in chd to entertain.
Imran Parvez
हमारा शहर हरा भ्रा हाेना चाहिए।
My Vision Visakha as a smart city
sir,desh ke yuva ke anergy job search me finish ho jati he....