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Smart City Shivamogga
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 18, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Oct 31, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Shivamogga City Corporation, Shivamogga in Karnataka State has been selected by the Ministry of Urban Development as one of the 100 smart cities to participate in the Smart City ...
For reducing the traffic problems in this new city......from the building itself it is better to lay down 40,60,80 feet road only. Because as this is going to be a new capital city population is going to be increased in this city which causes huge traffic.This is the main problem faced by many cities these days.So it is better to take care of building big roads instead of small roads and then extending them.
Management of Under ground drainage system properly,increase in public library book management,need to improve road cleaness management
The shivamogga city requires to ensure basic infrastructure services to enable a decent quality of life in urban pockets and a clean and sustainable environment and adoption of smart solutions and providing more public spaces to poor. It may be implemented through areas based approach consisting of retrofitting, re-development, pan city initiatives.
There is also need of hours to develop and adopt a model code for development of new cities Pan India for continuous pace of Smart Development
smart shivamogga
1]need to improve road management.
2]need staged strict protocols for cleness.
3]power management can be maintained if simple power savings like instalment of solar technology.
4]need to bring awareness about neatness of our surrounding in peoples.
To my opinios these are the buildings.
1. shivamogga Railway Station
2. shivamogga Muncipal corporation building.
3.District Court
4. University of shivamogga main building
5. Registration office ( marriage, documents , agreements)
Happy to hear that our Shimvamogga is becoming a smart city. In that there must be a proper drainage system, power supply and street light facility in all the areas. City must be maintained cleanly. Shivamogga got good transportation (mainly roads) facilities, it must be upgrade with advanced technology and it must be maintained. Bringing up the IT industrialization in the city and also the International airport. Lets hope for the best..
Its good to hear that shivamogga is going to be a smart city.
we need
->proper Roads
->strict follow of traffic
->important thing is to keep clean .so its also necessary to educate pepole about it and so imposing strict rules and fine is the only way for it
->wifi facility
->should have dustbins
->proper footpaths
->these things also lead to establishment of it companies as well
we need proper roads,drinking water supply,,cleness management protocol should be applied to all citizens
As Shivamogga is now greeen city, if it become smart city then there is a drastic changes in the people and if it wants to become smart city then there is a need of airport and IT Companies then it wants huge land and deforstation happens.
If shivamogga wants smart city then build fantacy parks like GRS,Wonderla with big investment and this makes shivamogga as tourist place and increase in the profit and give jobs to many people.