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Smart City Shivamogga
![Smart City Shivamogga Smart City Shivamogga](https://static.mygov.in/static/s3fs-public/styles/group/public/mygov_1442575679190667.jpg)
आरंभ करने की तिथि :
Sep 18, 2015
अंतिम तिथि :
Oct 31, 2015
00:00 AM IST (GMT +5.30 Hrs)
Shivamogga City Corporation, Shivamogga in Karnataka State has been selected by the Ministry of Urban Development as one of the 100 smart cities to participate in the Smart City ...
All road cuttings for laying drinking water or drainage connection should be done by an authority who intern will also repair the road fully and go for a fee.......!!!!
Along with development of old cities into a smart city there is also the need of hours to develop and adopt a model code for development of new cities Pan India for continuous pace of Smart Development.
Please open canteens serving low cost hygienic meals in many places. People who are BPL should get meal coupons which subsidizes the food in these cant and all others pay market price for same food.
3 objectives are met:
a) Canteens are profitable
b) Poor get nutritious & hygienic meal
c) Entrepreneurs get opportunity to run those canteens
Govt should provide space free of cost at prime locations & one time grant for purchase of equipment, furniture & utensils for these canteens
Smart city project should be inclusive and people centric in nature. Issues like urban mobility and cleanliness, which touch every citizen's lives should be taken up on priority basis.
Should be affordable & easily accessible hospital with quality medical facilities/doctors 4 all.
We should create local circles to keep the area clean and this can be the area society. They should levy the penalty for dirty plots........!!!!!
Immediate steps to be taken to improve Solid waste Management process........!!!!!
Give importance to cleanliness.......!!!
1)Venice Canals and Co2 free transport
2)Storm water and Rain water harvest
3)Hybrid energy Generation
4)Fish bone Transport system
7)Vertical Gardening and Green Building.........!!!!
First provide free wifi in city.then, make a metro in city.bring national and international companies in city.make a airport in city.